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摘要 近年来,随着石化工业和太阳能行业的飞速发展,熔盐泵作为输送熔盐的关键设备,需求量也快速上升。因为起步晚,我国的熔盐泵技术水平还是落后于德国、法国等发达国家。因此,提高国产熔盐泵的技术水平是一项非常有意义的工作。本文主要采用数值模拟的方法,考虑介质密度及粘度等因素,研究熔盐泵在输送变粘度流体下的外特性的影响规律,并提出数学公式,来代替传统的图表法,以修正熔盐泵输送粘性液体时的性能曲线。研究结果对熔盐泵的设计和运行具有借鉴意义。 本文的主要研究内容和结论如下: (1)泵在输送常温下的清水和熔融盐时,在相同流量下,同一泵输送熔盐时的扬程要比输送清水时的要小点,不过在相同流量下同一泵输送熔盐时的轴功率要比输送清水时的要大。此外,输送熔融盐时的效率略低。可以看出粘度对于熔盐泵的外特性曲线还是有一定的影响的。 ()将数值模拟所得到的扬程以及效率修正系数与美国水力协会换算图得到的数据结果进行比较发现,模拟出的扬程修正系数略低于查图所得的换算结果,但是各个换算系数曲线的走向是基本相同的。 ()把修正的雷诺数的常用对数来作为自变量,把换算系数来作为应变量,提出熔盐泵和清水泵外特性参数的换算关系式,从而就能够求出泵在0.6Qopt-1.4Qopt流量范围内输送任意粘度介质时的效率、轴功率和扬程。 关键词:熔盐泵 粘度 数值模拟 外特性 ABSTRACT In recent years, with the rapid development of petrochemical industry and solar industry, molten salt pump as the key equipment for transferring molten salt is strongly demanded. Because of the late start, technical level of molten salt pump in China is still lower than Germany, France and other developed countries. Therefore, it is very meaningful to improve the technology level of domestic molten salt pump. Considering density and viscosity, influence regularities of the molten salt pump external characteristics were researched by using numerical simulation method under transporting variable viscosity fluid. The main research contents and results in this dissertation are summarized as follows. (1) When molten salt pump is conveying water of room temperature and molten salt, the head of transporting molten salt is smaller than transporting water in the same flow,however,the shaft power of transporting molten salt is bigger than transporting water in the same flow. In addition, the efficiency of transporting molten salt is lower. It can be seen that the viscosity has a certain influence of molten salt pumps’ characteristic curve. (2)The correction coefficients of head and efficiency obtained by numerical simulation were compared with the results obtained by conversion charts from the American Hydraulic Institute. The results show that the head correction coefficients obtained by numerical simulat


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