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太原理工大学阳泉学院 毕业设计说明书 BJ2020差速器壳体的机械加工工艺及工装设计 源设计图纸请联系本人,参见豆丁备注。 毕业生姓名 : 赵 珑 专业 : 机械设计制造及其制动化 学号 : 120531010 指导教师 赵彤涌 所属系(部) : 机械电子工程系 二〇一四年五月 摘 要 差速器是驱动轿的主件。差速器的作用就是在向两边半轴传递动力的同时,允许两边半轴以不同的转速旋转,满足两边车轮尽可能以纯滚动的形式作不等距行驶,减少轮胎与地面的摩擦。普通差速器由行星齿轮、差速器壳(行星轮架)、半轴齿轮等零件组成。发动机的动力经传动轴进入差速器,直接驱动差速器壳带动行星轮轴,再由行星轮带动左、右两条半轴,分别驱动左、右车轮。 本文主要是介绍了差速器外壳的加工工艺及加工中所需要的专用钻床夹具的设计。首先对零件进行了工艺性分析了解各加工面所需要打到的加工精度,确定各个加工面的加工余量。制定合理的能够满足加工需要的工艺方案。为了保证零件的加工精度需要进行基准面的选择和对零件的定位,并遵循一定基本原则,并进行定位误差的分析。加工中还涉及到各种加床夹具的设计。本文主要介绍的是镗床专用工艺方案的设计,主要有夹具的定位,零件与零件的连接、夹具体与机床的连接和误差分析。 关键词:加工工艺;工艺方案;夹具。 Abstract The main differential is the driving car parts. Differential role is to transmit power to the axle on both sides at the same time, allowing both sides of the axle rotating at different speeds to meet the both sides of the wheel as far as possible in the form of pure rolling road of no offset, reducing the friction between tire and ground. By the ordinary differential gear, differential case (planetary gear frame), side gears and other parts. The power of the engine drive shaft into the differential, direct-drive planetary drive axle differential case, then the planetary wheel drive left, right, two axle, respectively, drive left and right wheels. ?? This article is to introduce a differential case processing technology and processing needs of drilling machine in the fixture design. First of all parts of the process of analysis needed to understand the processing of surface machining accuracy to hit, to determine the allowance of each machined surface. To develop a reasonable process to meet the processing needs of the program. To ensure the machining accuracy is required datum selection and positioning of parts, and follow certain basic principles, and the positioning error analysis. Processing also involves a variety of extra fixture design. This paper describes the design of special fixture boring, there are fixture positioning, parts and components of the connection, the connection with the machine


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