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高考、中考、成人高考、自考、考研、MBA、EMBA、法硕、考博、会计硕士等频道最新资讯PAGE 帮考网教育资讯2010年江苏省泰州市六校联谊中考英语模拟试题(考试时间:120分钟 满分: 120分)第I卷 (选择题 共70分)一、 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)( ) 1. What would you like for breakfast, Mr. Green?Two pieces of bread and cup of tea, please.A. a; a B. a; the C. /; a D. /; the( )2. Shanghai is ______the east of China and the country of Japan is __the east of Shanghai.A. in, on B. in, to C. to, in D.on, in( )3. —The shoes don’t fit me. Would you please show me ______?—Sure. Here you are.A. the other one B. the others C. another pair D. another one( )4. Dont skate on the lake! Why not? Isnt it thick enough___________? A. to skate B. skating on C. skating D. to skate on( )5. Can you tell me ______ it is from here to the Summer Let me see. Its about 15 minutes ride. A. how far B. how soon C. how much D. how long( )6. I have lost the chance to win the game. ___________.A. What a pity B. Don’t mention it C. Never mind D. That’s OK( )7. About two years ________ since the earthquake took place in Wenchuan. A. passed B. has passed C. have passed D. has been passed( ) 8. I wonder ______ you said to him before he came.A. that B. if C. how D. what( )9. ______ wonderful music! Yes, it’s written by Jay Chou, a pop singer. A. What B. What a C. How D. How a( )10. Have you got a ticket for the show by Xiao Shenyang in Yangzhou? No. The price was too ________. A. dear B. expensive C. great D. high ( ) 11.Don’t forget to hand in your homework again, Mike. . A. No, I don’t B. Don’t worry C. Sorry, I won’t D. Never mind ( ) 12. The boy was heard______ the piano at 8 yesterday evening.A. was playing B. play C. playing D. played( ) 13. The TV needs ________, I will have it tomorrow.A. to repair, repairing B. being repaired, to repair C


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