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弹性空间,强大会晤及展示功能 Flexible space, functions rich in the meeting and showing 兼具文化、娱乐、健身、休闲功能 With the multi-function of culture, recreation ,gym and relaxation ——在商业开发的同时,配置办公楼和酒店做整体功能性布局,满足商务市场需求。 abreast with the commercial development, it is also to facilitate office buildings and hotels, so to make an overall functional layout satisfying the commercial market need. 5A级综合商务楼 5A complex business building 地下空间 Space underground ——地下建筑面积4.1万㎡,规划停车位1365个 人车分流,实施地下公共交通 the underground construction space is 41,000 sqm, with the planned parking lot of 1365. Pedestrains and the vehicles separated to obey the undergound public traffic 在这块世界投资的寸金之地,如何打造一个符合这座城市未来发展需求的商业巨舰,是纯高投资的时代责任。 在此,我们仅以团队的微薄经验,作此方案以示专业伙伴面前,以取得双方共鸣,共同倾力打造一个万众乐见的商业建筑作品。 In this precious piece of land invested by the world, it is Chun Gao’s responsibility to take care how to build this huge commercial vessel to meet the need of the future development to this city. Thereof, with the limited experience of our team, we prepare this proposal to show to the professional friends gaining the mutual resonance, to work together to build the commercial construction works appreciated by everyone. 谢谢聆听 期待与您的合作! Thanks for your kind attention. We look forward to cooperating with you! 开发商:昆山纯高投资开发有限公司 928平方公里的江南沃土 养育着70万富饶的人民 吸引了上千家国际企业入驻 造就了100万的现代产业大军 在这个距国际大都市上海仅40分钟车程的城市 ——昆山 The piece of rich land on the southern bank of Yangtze River with 928 sqm has raised up 700 thousands residents. It has also attracted thousands of international enterprises stationed there. More over, this city has created 1 million job opportunities in its modern industries. It is only with 40 minutes drive away from Shanghai. ---- Kunshan 引言 Preface 系上海纯高控股投资有限公司2008年倾力投资打造总部产业园项目的首选 It is invested by Shanghai Chun Gao Real Estate Co.,Ltd. in 2008, It is also the priority choice to the project of headquarter industrial park. 高新区 High and New development Area 火车站 高铁站 长途客运中心 人才市场 体育中心 339省道 339 provincial road 西部副中心 生态居住区 Western Sub



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