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Summarization 概述 Thoracic wall 胸壁 Pleura and pleural cavity 胸膜与胸膜腔 Lungs 肺 Mediastinum(1) 纵隔 一、概述 Summarization 境界 The boundary 分部 The regions 表面标志 The surface landmark 胸部标志线 The Lines of orientation on the Thorax 颈静脉切迹 The jugular notch 胸骨角The sternal angle (of Louis) 剑突The xiphoid process 肋弓The costal margin (costal arch) 胸骨下角The infrasternal angle 锁骨 The clavicle 肩胛骨下角The inferior angle of scapula 乳头The nipple The thoracic wall may be divided into The superficial structures The deep structures 胸壁可分为浅层结构和深层结构。 (一)The Superficial Structures The skin 皮肤 The superficial fascia 浅筋膜 The superficial blood vessels 浅血管 The cutaneous nerves皮神经 The superficial lymphatic vessels浅淋巴管 The breast 乳房 深筋膜 deep fascia 胸壁浅层肌 superior muscles of thoracic wall 肋及肋间隙 ribs and intercostal space 胸内筋膜 internal thoracic fascia 锁胸筋膜及其穿行结构 The pectoralis major 胸大肌 The subclavius 锁骨下肌 The pectoralis minor 胸小肌 The serratus anterior 前锯肌 The obliquus externus abdominis 腹外斜肌 The trapezius 斜方肌 The rhomboids 菱形肌 The latissimus dorsi 背阔肌 The transversus thoracis 胸横肌 The rectus abdominis 腹直肌 The intercostal muscles 肋间肌 The intercostal muscles 肋间肌 Nerves 神经 Vessels 血管(the intercostal vessels 肋间血管, the internal thoracic vessels 胸廓内血管) ① The external intercostal muscle and membrane ② The internal intercostal muscle and membrane ③ The innermost intercostal muscle (2)The course and Relationship of the intercostal Nerve and Vessels Anterior and posterior intercostal artery In the costal groove of the rib, the arrangement from up downwards is the vein, artery and nerve. 胸廓内动脉: 腹壁上动脉、肌膈动脉、肋间前动脉 4. 胸内筋膜 气胸 pneumothorax 水胸 hydrothorax 血胸 hemothorax 乳糜胸 chylothorax 临床行胸膜腔穿刺术(抽液)常选在肩胛线或腋后线、第7或8肋间隙中部或肋上缘稍上方进针。 脏胸膜 visceral (or pulmonary) pleura 壁胸膜 The parietal pleura can be subdivided into: 肋胸膜 costal pleura 膈胸膜 diaphragmatic pleura 胸膜顶 cupula of pleura 纵隔胸膜 The mediastinal pleura 胸膜腔pleural cavity,胸膜


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