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Situation one A:Candy, have you found the umbrella doesnt work in Changsha? B:Whats your point? A;You know , its impossible to use such an umbrella to keep away from the downpour(倾盆大雨) in Changsha. B:Yes ,I agree with you ,and it seems never let up(停止).When you reach school through the rain,you get wet. A:To be honest, I really cant stand the climate in Changsha, it is so humid and hot in summer and too cold in winter .when rainy days,the clothes is always sticky,so there is a terrible smell on them. B:It is ture,I often miss the lovely sunshine,because I can hardly see the sun here.Its always cloudy and never clear up. A:I dislike the humid and cold rainy days,it make me unhappy and I often caught a cold because of that. B:Youre really unlucky!I think you should put on more close to keep warm in winter,though they make you feel a little uncomfortable.Well,lets keep our fingers crossed that tomorrow will be a sunny day! Situation two A:Oh,Candy,have you ever finished your work? B:Yes, I just got them done ,so,Im free now~!Whant can I do for you? A:Well,what about dining out?I know there is a restrant just opened yesterday. B:It is lunch time B:That sounds great!Are you ready to order? A:I want to try the chefs special recommendations —— Sichuan style crispy whole fish ,home-sryle bean curd(家常豆腐)and egg drop soup(蛋花汤).As for dink, Bud Light(百威) is fine to me, whatll you have to drink ,Candy? B:Id like a glass of Orange juice .And A:Okay,and Its my treat! B:I think we should sharing the expenses,We are friends,so we are equal,and I can pay for my part. A:Come on ,its my Birthday,so let me pay for it. Situation three B: Candy,you looks pale,what happened? A:Its my sister, she finds a boyfriend recently.....Im really worring about her. B:How old is your sister? A:Shes 16. B:Well,I think she s not a little girl any more,and she owns the ability to cope it. A:But I think she should spends her times on her study. The boy might take her attention away! B: So ,as her elde


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