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Computer English 计算机英语特点和词汇 概述 以表达计算机科技概念,理论和事实为目标。因此,它很注重客观事实和真相,要求逻辑性强,条理规范,表达准确,精练以及语言规范。 与普通英语区别 在表达方式、词汇内容、句型结构和语法关系等方面都有区别,如下所述: 句子结构:长句多,被动语态多,祈使句(说明书、手册中),常用it句型等 词汇:合成词多,专业术语多,半技术词汇多 短语:介词短语多,非限定动词(尤其分词)多,短语、缩略语经常出现(如HTML, DOS) 总体特征 计算机英语总体上说,具有严谨和专业性的特点;具体表现为客观性/无人称性(Objectivity/Impersonality),简明性(Conciseness),以及准确性(Accuracy) 客观性Objectivity/Impersonality 常有表现形式: 被动语态,概念介绍和过程描述等等。 一般现在时,计算机事物属于专业科技文献所涉及的内容,往往是跨越时间的。 第三人称,科技关心的不是个人的心理情绪,而是客观的普遍规律的描述。 例1, The procedure by which a computer is told how to work is called programming. 翻译:告诉计算机如何工作的过程称为程序设计。 例2,Written language uses a small number of symbols which are easily encoded in digital form and can be combined in innumerable ways to convey meaning. 翻译:书面语言只使用少数符合,它们很容易用数字形式编码,而且可以用数不清的方法进行组合以便表达意义。 简明性Conciseness 非限定性动词,名词化单词或词组: 例1. By using the mouse to click a button you can select an option from a list. 例2. We keep micrometers (千分尺)in boxes to protect them from rust and dust. 例3. It’s necessary to examine the efficiency of the new design. 准确性Accuracy 用词准确:专业英语的准确性表现在用词以及相应的语法结构上。常常表现为长句,为了准确精细地描述事物过程,所用句子较长,有些甚至一段就是一个句子,与前面的简明并无矛盾。 例1. The runtime system initializes fixed variables only once, whereas dynamic variables, if they are declared with an initializer, are re-initialized each time their block is entered. 例2. And not only is it technically impossible to censor current content of the Internet, but the Internet is set to explode exponentially in the indefinite future, with there being literally millions of changes and additions to web content on a daily basis. 例3. After all, the purpose of education is not only to impart knowledge but to teach students to use the knowledge that they either have or will find, to teach them to ask and seek answers for important questions. impart vt. 告知,传授 例4. Computer Science is a new field and its object of investigation (universe) is a computer, which is an ever-developing artifact, the materialization of the ideas that try to structure knowledge



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