ECEN5043 Software Engineering of Multi-Program Systems:多道程序系统ecen5043软件工程.ppt

ECEN5043 Software Engineering of Multi-Program Systems:多道程序系统ecen5043软件工程.ppt

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ECEN5043 Software Engineering of Multi-Program Systems:多道程序系统ecen5043软件工程

March 14, 2005 University of Colorado -- ECEN5043 MultiProgram Systems rev. 3/14/05 ECEN5043 SW Eng of Multi Program Systems Performance Oriented Design ECEN5043 Software Engineering of Multi-Program Systems Performance-oriented Design Chapter 9 of Performance Solutions What’s Coming? This week for homework Individually, select a performance pattern or anti-pattern from Chapter 10 or 11 or antipattern papers Read and understand Submit the slides as if you were presenting. If you want to do so, you may work in groups to understand the concepts. But each person will create a presentation. Presentation takes the place of your classmates having to read and understand each of the patterns and antipatterns on their own. Performance Principles Identify design alternatives likely to meet performance objectives Generalized and abstracted knowledge used by experienced performance specialists when constructing software systems Principles appear in the patterns Role of Quantitative Techniques Performance improvements involve tradeoffs Quantitative SPE techniques provide data to evaluate the net effect of a design alternative Weigh the performance improvement of one alternative against its effects on other quality attributes In a multiprogram system, allows comparison of viable alternatives where some improvements are in inaccessible components. 3 categories of performance principles Performance control principles performance objectives instrumenting Independent principles centering fixing-point locality processing vs. frequency Synergistic shared resources parallel processing spread-the-load Summary, section 9.6, p. 259 3 categories of performance principles Performance control principles Control performance by explicitly stating the required performance rigorously enough so that you can quantitatively determine whether or not the sw system meets the objective Independent principles They can be applied independently; they don’t conflict. Synergistic They improve the overa



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