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Unit11 I. 听小对话,选择正确的图片.(5分) II. 听对话,填入合适的答案。 ( 分) ( )7. Who did some washing ? Anna’s mother B. Anna’s father C. Anna’s grandfather III. 听对话,填入合适的答案。 ( 分) ( )9. Who did Jane feed chickens with ? Her father B. Her grandfather C. Her grandmother ( )10. Where did Dave go last weekend? To the zoo B. To the bookstore C. To the supermarket IV. 听一段对话, 完成下面问题(5分) ( )11. Where did they go last week ? They went to the aquarium(水族馆) B. They went to the park. C.They went to the mountains. ( )12. How did they get there ? By subway B. On foot C. By bus ( )13. Why didn’t Wendy take any photos ? Because she didn’t want to take them. Because she forgot to bring the camera C. Because she was tired. ( )14. They didn’t get wet, did they ? They got wet. B. No, they didn’t C. Yes, they did.. ( )15. What can we learn from the monologue ? Wendy had a terrible school trip last week. After lunch, the weather was sunny C. Wendy enjoyed the school trip. V. 听短文, 完成句子(5分) 16.Nancy is a student from ___________. 17. She ________________to HaiNan with her boy friend. They visited many ________________ in China . Thy also __________lots of sea food there. They ______________for two weeks and went back by plane. VI. 单项选择 ( 10分) ( )21.—Jenny _______TV every evening. But last night she _________. watches; didn’t B. watch; didn’t C. watched; didn’t D. watches; doesn’t ( )22. --Where is the cake I made this morning ? ----We______it, mom. Can you make another one for us ? will eat B. eat C. ate D. were eating ( )23. — Who was your guide at the Art Museum ? — Miss Yang . She _______ us around the whole museum for three hours. A. takes B. took C. shows D. showed ( )24. I can hear the small girl ________the piano in the next room. to play B. plays C. played D. playing ( )25.When he heard the _____news, he was______about jumping up and down exciting; exciting B



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