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员工绩效考核方案 PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL PLAN 员工绩效考核方案 General Principles总则 In order to standardize the performance appraisal policy of MFC, the Company constituted this plan. 为规范公司对员工的考察与评价,特制定本制度。 2. Objective考核目的 2.1 To bring up a professional talent group with high agglomeration and team building spirit. The talent management system shall be guided by performance appraisal. 在公司造就一支业务精干的具有高度凝聚力和团队精神的人才队伍,并形成以考核为核心导向的人才管理机制。 2.2 To evaluate the past performance promptly and equitably, affirming achievements, finding out problems and preparing for the improvements on next phases. 及时、公正地对员工过去一段时间的工作绩效进行评估,肯定成绩,发现问题,为下一阶段工作绩效的改进做好准备。 2.3 An empowerment tool to involve employee in managing own performance especially in obtaining feedback. 为员工自我管理提供相应手段,特别是能得到绩效反馈。 2.4 To support an employee’s efforts of successful development and supply the personal information and decision gist on salary, welfare(including stock option )adjustment and training plans. 支持员工职业发展,为员工薪酬待遇(含员工持股权调整)以及相关的教育培训提供人事信息与决策依据。 2.5 To form the communication system between both the employee and the Company in order to promote the management efficiency. 在公司内形成一个员工与公司双向沟通的平台,以增进管理效率。 3 Performance Appraisal Principal考核原则 3.1 The Company should evaluate an employee according to his/her achievement target and correlative management index. 以公司对员工的经营业绩指标及相关的管理指标为依据; 3.2 The operation rule is according to the content, process and ways which is prescribed in this plan。 以员工考核制度规定的内容、程序和方法为操作准则; 3.3 The heart of the plan is the five key concepts: entirety, impersonality, equity, open and standard. 以全面、客观、公正、公开、规范为核心考核理念。 4 Applicability适用对象 This plan is applicable to all staff in MFC except those staff in the follows: 本方案适用于公司所有正式员工。有下列情况人员不在考核范围内: 4.1 Employees during in the probation period 试用期内,尚未转正员工; 4.2 Within 6 months attendance continuously or stop the job more than 6 months before the performance appraisal 连续出勤不满6个月或考核前休假停职6个月以上; 4.3 Part-time employees and consultants. 兼职、顾问人员。 5 Performance Appraisal S


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