
信号传递网络 - 上海中医药大学.ppt

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信号传递网络 - 上海中医药大学

Networks of Biological Signaling Pathways 信号传递网络;一、生物体内的信号传递;一、生物体内的信号传递;一、生物体内的信号传递;Peptide Signaling in Plants;目前有关植物中信号肽的研究主要基于以下5种: 番茄systemin PSK ENOD40 CLV3 SCR 18 aa 10-13 aa 72-75 aa 53-55 aa ;;2)tobacco systemin Tob I and Tob II: 激活 MAP kinase,但不诱导蛋白酶抑制蛋白编码 基因的表达 3)RALF (rapid alkalinizaton factor): 激活 MAP kinase,但不诱导蛋白酶抑制蛋白编码 基因的表达; 快速引起 medium 碱化 ; From the followings support the idea that peptide and nonpeptide hormone-activated signaling cascades are linked in plants as they are in animals: 植物生长素类似5-羟色胺,乙烯类似一氧化碳, 油菜素类固醇是类固醇,茉莉酮酸与前列腺素相关; Systemin-induced wound response is regulated through the octadecanoid pathway, involving jasmonic acid;; PSK-induced cell proliferation requires the hormones auxin or cytokinin; Some of the developmental distortions in roots induced on addition of RALF are reminiscent of impaired nonpeptide hormone-controlled processes. ;;;二、海马趾CA1神经元区室化模型 中的15个信号途径;Reaction A:EGF,SOS; ; Reaction C:cAMP,AC1,AC2 ;Reaction D:G???;Reaction E: AA, PLA2 ;Reactions F,G: PLC?, PLC?, DAG, IP3 ;Reaction H: MAPK Cascade ;The various phosphorylation states of CaMKII have different enzyme kinetics, and each of these were explicitly modeled. For simplicity the autophosphorylation steps are represented by a single enzyme arrow in this figure, with CaMKII_a as the combined activity of the various phosphorylation states. The individual kinetic terms used in the model are indicated by the multiple rate references on the arrows. ;Reaction J: PKA ;Reaction K: PKC ;Reaction L: Ca, IP3 ;Reaction M: CaM ;Reaction N: CaN ;Reaction O: PP1 ;三、establishing the individual pathways 1. steps;2. Materials and methord;3. Computation formulation;4.verification;5. Protein Kinase C modeling example;Simulation parameters: PKC; References;A. Block diagram of activation for PKC pathway by Ca2+, AA and DAG. ;B: Activation of PKC by AA, with (triangles) or


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