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英文 中文(香港) 中文(中国) 中文(台湾) 1 allied city planning --- 联合城市规划 2 base map 底图 (城市规划的)基本地图,基本图 3 basic frame --- (城市规划的)基本结构 4 boundary of planning area 规划区界线 城市规划区之界线 5 charter Athenes --- (1933年确定城市规划原则的)雅典宪章 6 citizens participation --- 民众参与(指市民对城市规划参与决策) 7 city lay-out --- 城市规划,城市布局 8 city planning 都市规划 都市规划,城市规划 9 city planning administration bureau --- 城市规划管理局 10 city planning area --- 城市规划区,城市规划面积 11 City Planning Association of Japan --- 日本城市规划协会 12 city planning commission --- 城市规划局,城市规划委员会 13 city planning investigation --- 城市规划调查 14 city planning law --- 城市规划法 15 city planning law of the Peoples Republic of China --- 中华人民共和国城市规划法 16 city planning management --- 城市规划管理 17 city planning map --- 城市规划图,城市规划用地图 18 convenience --- 便利性(城市规划原则之一) 19 datum survey --- (城市规划的)基础资料调查 20 extensive city planning --- 大区域城市规划 21 IFHP=International federation of Housing and planning --- 国际住宅和城市规划联盟(缩写) 22 IHTPC=International Housing and Town Planning Committee --- 国际住宅和城市规划会议 23 International Federation of Housing and Planning --- 国际住宅和城市规划联盟 24 International Housing and Town Planning Committee --- 国际住宅和城市规划会议 25 metropolitan planning --- 特大城市规划,大都市区规划 26 modern city planning --- 现代城市规划 27 municipal planning act --- 城市规划条例 28 municipal program --- 城市规划 29 neighborhood unit area --- 邻里单位面积(城市规划中的) 30 optimum city size --- 最佳城市规划 31 plan of city --- 城市规划 32 regional town planning --- 大区域城市规划 33 Section 16 application under Town Planning Ordinance 按城市规划条例第16条规定而呈递的规划 --- 34 senior town planner --- 高级城市规划师 35 technique of city planning --- 城市规划技术 36 town planner 城市规划师 城市规划师 37 town planning --- 城市规划,市镇规划 38 Town Planning Appeal Board [TPAB] 城市规划上诉委员会 --- 39 town planning area --- 城市规划法规定的地区,城市规划区 40 Town Planning Board Design Division 城市规划委员会及设计部 --- 41 Town Planning Board Design Division [Planning Department] 城


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