unit do you like bananas说课稿.doc

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unit do you like bananas说课稿.doc

Unit6 Do you like bananas说课稿 Unit6 Do you like bananas? (Section A 1a-1c, 3c, Grammar)说课稿 一、说教材 本课时为新目标七年级新版教材第六单元Unit6 Do you like bananas?第一课时内容,使学生通过询问他人喜欢或不喜欢的食物来掌握动词like和名词复数的用法,在已学知识的基础上进一步学习助动词do、does的使用方法,巩固一般疑问句的肯定、否定回答。学会根据小组调查写出关于小组内成员食物喜好的调查报告。 二、说学生 701班学生已有一定量的英语语感积累,英语学习信心比较足,在课堂上较为活跃,所以设计了自由问答,结伴对话,小组调查和全班汇报等活动来充实学生的学习形式。但是学生抽象思维较差,形象思维能力强,所以用丰富多彩的图片呈现给他们,既形象又生动,能激发学生兴趣。另外,学生很注重教师对他们的评价,所以穿插多种形式的表扬来鼓励学生的学习积极性。 三、说教学目标 1、知识目标 (1)Learn to ask what kind of food others like or dislike with the new sentences:“Do you like…?Yes,I do. /No, I dont. I don’t like…”、“Dose Liu Xing like bread?” and help ss answer:“Yes, he does.No, he doesnt.he doesnt like bread”.. (2)Learn to grasp the new words:“hamburgers, tomatoes, broccoli, French fries, oranges, ice cream, pears, like, salad, strawberry, have, food”. 【(1)掌握表达喜好的句型结构“Do you like…?Yes,I do. /No, I dont. I don’t like…”和“Dose Liu Xing like bread?” and help ss answer:“Yes, he does.No, he doesnt.he doesnt like bread”. (2)学习关于蔬菜,水果的词汇;“hamburgers, tomatoes, broccoli, French fries, oranges, ice cream, pears, like, salad, strawberry, have, food”】 2、能力目标 (1)Students learn to grasp and use“ Do you like…? Yes, I do.No, I dont.I dont like…”“Dose Liu Xing like bread?” and help ss answer:“Yes, he does.No, he doesnt.he doesnt like bread”. (2)Consoled how to use “a”“an”. (3)Use the new knowledge to communicate with others and make a survey. 【(1)掌握并在交际中灵活运用表达喜好的句型结构“Do you like…?Yes,I do. /No, I dont. I don’t like…”和“Dose Liu Xing like bread?” and help ss answer:“Yes, he does.No, he doesnt.he doesnt like bread”. (2)巩固描述可数名词时“a”“an”的用法。 (3)学生能够根据所学知识和他人交流询问他人对食物的喜好,并能运用这些交际用语进行小组调查。】 3、能力目标 (1)Help ss use English in or out of class. (2)Make ss know the importance of eating healthy food. 【(1)鼓励学生在生活中多用英语,而不仅仅局限于英语课堂上使用。 (2)鼓励学生多吃健康食品。】 四,说教学重难点 本课时的教学重点是1、Students learn to grasp and use“ Do you like…? Yes, I do.No, I dont.I dont like…”. 2、Consoled how to use nouns. 难点是1、将like的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句的用法灵活运用到日常交际中去(对话练习与小组调查)。2、灵活运用可数名词复数


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