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本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译原文 学生姓名: 何 晓 君 院 (系):电 子 工 程 学 院 专业班级: 测控0602班 指导教师: 薛 晓 书 完成日期:2010年4月20日 Expanding the Features of a VI You can choose one of many LabVIEW VI templates to use as a starting point. However, sometimes you need to build a VI for which a template is not available. This chapter teaches you how to build and customize a VI without using a template. Building a VI from a Blank Template In the following exercises, you will open a blank VI and add Express VIs and structures to theblock diagram to build a new VI. You will build a VI that generates a signal, reduces the number of samples in the signal, and displays the resulting data in a table on the front panel. When you complete the exercises, the front panel of the VI will look similar to the front panel in Figure 3-1. You can complete the exercises in approximately 30 minutes. Figure 3-1. Front Panel for the Reduce Samples VI Opening a Blank VI If no template is available for the task you want to create, you can start with a blank VI and add Express VIs to accomplish the specific task. Complete the following steps to open a blank VI. In the LabVIEW dialog box, click the arrow on the New button and select BlankVI from the shortcut menu or press the Ctrl-N keys to open a blank VI. Notice that a blank front panel and block diagram appear. Note You also can open a blank VI by selecting Blank VI from the Create new list in The New dialog box or by selecting File?New VI from the front panel or block diagram menu bar. 2. If the Functions palette is not visible, right-click any blank space on the block diagram to bring up the temporary version of the Functions palette. Click the thumbtack, shown at left, in the upper left corner of the Functions palette to place the palette on the screen. N


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