VI对企业品牌形象价值提升的作用 毕业设计论文.doc

VI对企业品牌形象价值提升的作用 毕业设计论文.doc

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VI对企业品牌形象价值提升的作用 毕业设计论文

VI对企业品牌形象价值提升的作用 摘 要 现今社会,市场竞争异常的激烈,生产与销售已不再是企业发展的单纯目标,现在更多的在于整合企业内外有效的资源,利用公关手段,促进企业与相关受众之间的了解,增加信任感,为企业树立良好的公众形象。企业公关由众多要素构成,而企业品牌是企业公关的主体要素。若拥有了众所周知的品牌,花在销售上的时间和心血即可大幅降低。品牌的形象代表对客户所做的承诺,以及客户对于你达成承诺能力的判定,在开展促销之前客户就认可了品牌背后所代表的品质。 VI系统中的标志是企业与品牌的象征。标志是一种具有直观形象的符号组合。作为企业的标志,它具有丰富的内涵和明确的特定的含义.企业标志是通过造型简单、意义明确的统一标准的视觉符号,将经营理念、企业文化、经营内容、企业规模、产品特性等要素,传递给社会公众,使之识别和认同企业的图案和文字。企业代表企业全体。 Topic: VI on the corporate brand image value-enhancing effect SUMMARY VI systems business and the brand logo is a symbol. Logo is a symbol combination with the visual image. As a corporate logo, which is rich in content and clear a specific meaning. Logo by modeling a simple, uniform standard with definite visual symbols, the management philosophy, corporate culture, business content, firm size, product characteristics and other factors, passed to the public, so that identification and recognition of business patterns and text. VI behalf of the entire enterprise. VI signs of enterprises through the design features of the value of signs and sign functions described knowledge points, fully illustrated logo will be managers, corporate culture is passed to consumers, enterprises and products to achieve community awareness and recognition. At the same time corporate logo in distinguishing the difference between product and similar products, build its brand personality plays a decisive role. VI image of the publicity in the enterprise, the enterprise products, and potentially the value of corporate image, designed to help companies successfully VI was favored by consumers, which bring economic benefits for the enterprise. KEY WORDS: Corporate image, isual elements, brand image, brand personality 目 录 前 言 1 第一章 VI的认识及了解 2 1.1.1 VI的作用 3 1.1.2 VI的构成 4 第二章 VI对企业品牌价值提升带来的作用 6 2.1 VI与企业品牌形象的关系 6 2.2 VI标志在企业品牌形象的作用 8 2.3 VI给企业带来的价值 9 2.4 VI对企业品牌价值提升的作用 9 2.5 VI设计对毕业设计和现代企业的影响。 10 第三章 毕业设计思路 12 3.1好的VI设计对一个企业的作用 12 3.2 设计心得体会 13 结 论 14 谢 辞 16 参考文献 17 前 言 近些年来,品牌形象作为一个时髦词语活跃在工商企业界,充斥于报刊杂志中,也经常挂在人们的嘴边。所


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