A Framework for Leading Positive Change一个领导积极变化框架.ppt

A Framework for Leading Positive Change一个领导积极变化框架.ppt

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A Framework for Leading Positive Change一个领导积极变化框架

Prentice Hall 2008 Developing Management Skills Chapter 10: Leading Positive Change Learning Objectives Learn how to create positive deviance in organizations Develop the capability to lead positive change Acquire the ability to mobilize the capabilities of others in achieving positive change Leadership vs. Management Characteristics of Leaders Set direction Initiate change Create something new Characteristics of Managers Maintaining steadiness Controlling variance Keep the status quo Leader Effectiveness Effective management and leadership are both inseparable and necessary skills for today’s business environment. Leadership and Change Examples of the pace of change, Computer technology has a half-life of six months Human and animal genome projects are expanding exponentially Frameworks Help clarify complex situations Help leaders not become overwhelmed by new information Help stabilize organizations Tendencies Toward Stability Organizations are designed to favor stability and predictable outcomes. Leaders who create change create disruptions. Positive Change Focuses on unlocking positive human potential; creating abundance and human well-being. A Continuum of Change Positive Deviance: Healthy performance Negative Deviance: Organizational illness Positive Change Focuses on unlocking positive human potential Focuses on creating abundance and human well being Engages the heart as well as the mind A Framework for Positive Change Insert figure 10.3 A Positive Climate “Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive, because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.” Mahatma Gandhi Establish a Positive Climate Create a positive energy network Ensure a climate of compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude Focus attention on st


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