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牛津英语 7b chapter1 warming up
lavender薰衣草 * * Chapter One Travel If you have a chance(机会) to go abroad,… which country would you like best to go? Canada America South America Russia Japan Korea Egypt India Australia New Zealand U.K. France German Plan for travel sightseeing learn other culture for fan for fine food shopping products: food wine champagne mineral water fashion perfume(香水) the Loire Valley sunflowers Some world-famous scenic areas : What else attractions do you know ? Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔是巴黎的标志之一,被法国人爱称为“铁娘子”。 1889年,法国大革命100周年,巴黎举办了大型国际博览会以示庆祝。博览会上最引人 注目的展品便是埃菲尔铁塔。它成为当时席卷世界的工业革命的象征。 Palais du Louvre卢浮宫 它是法国最大的王宫建筑之一, 位于巴黎市中心塞纳河右畔、巴黎歌剧院广场南侧。原是一座中世纪城堡,16世纪后经多次改建、扩建,至18世纪为现存规模。占地约45公顷。 Arc de Triomphe 位于戴高乐将军广场的中央,是法国为纪念拿破仑1806年2月在奥斯特尔里茨战役中打败俄、奥联军而建的,12条大街以凯旋门为中心,向四周辐射,气势磅礴,形似星光四射。 Notre-Dame de Paris巴黎圣母院 in 1804 Castle The castle is the place where the kings and queens used to live. 国王 王后 城堡 EuroDisney art and culture: film festivals exhibitions concerts 拿破仑·波拿巴(Napoléon Bonaparte,1769年8月15日-1821年5月5日) Napoléon “The word “impossible” is not in my dictionary”. “He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat”. He who doesnt want to be a general is not a good soldier . 不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵。 在我的字典里找不到「不可能」这个字。 害怕被征服的人,注定要被打败。 Go hiking Go skiing Go sailing Go cycling Enjoy yourself Guess where is my dream traveling place? Canada America South America Russia Japan Korea Egypt India Australia New Zealand U.K. France German My answer is … English Channel N w E S The U.K. Capital 1. Which one of these is the national flag of France? France Switzerland the USA *