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Unit 3 Australia Lesson 9 Dialogue Questions: How many people are there in the party? 2. Where do they make their camp? 3. What do they meet with? Keys: There are five people in the party. They are Yang Pei, Jackie, Burt, Jeff and Bonny. 2. They make their camp in the bush, near a river and some trees. 3. They meet with a kangaroo. They are lucky and miss it. There are some advice and reasons are mentioned in the dialogue. Please read the dialogue and find them out to fill in the form. Language Points 1.go camping / go boating/ go fishing/ go nursing/ go shopping/ go soldiering/ go hunting/ go farming/ go teaching/ go cycling 2. put out the fire put away/ put up/ put off / put into… 3. beyond the tree 在树那边 beyond one’s help帮不上忙 beyond one’s power力所不能及  beyond the river His works are beyond all praise.  他的作品怎么夸奖都不过分.  Don’t stay out beyond 10 o’clock at night.( = later than) 4. fix up拾起, 安装, 修理, 安排(住宿),提供 e.g. 1) Let’s have the house fix up? 2) They are busy fixing up the lights. 3) We must fix up a shed here. 4) We must have a friend to fix us up there for the weekend. 5) fix you up with a good bike(给你提供一辆好自行车) 6) ---- What a lovely day! Won’t you go out with him? ---- No, I’m going to have my car ____ go out doing nothing. fix up rather than B. fixed up rather than C. to fix up more than D. to be fixed up rather than 5. What a lovely place! = What a lovely place it is! = How lovely the place it is! 7. tie … to… e.g.He tied the horse to a big tree. 8. go across = cross e.g Be careful when you go across the street. * Reasons Advice There might be snakes. You’d better not go inside the cave. It will break. Don’t tie the sheep to that old branch. You could start a bush fire. You mustn’t smoke while you are walking around in the bush. You may start a fire. Don’t throw your cigarette end out of the window. Reasons Advice Key: B 6.give sb. some shade = provide sb. with some shade c.f. shadow The t


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