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up 影评

一部作品 无论长短 无论内容 只要观者感动了 就是一部好的作品      一个梦想 无论大小 无论实际 只要相信的坚持下去 就是最重要的实现      一段爱情 无论结果 无论怀念 只要彼此依偎着慢慢便老 就是幸福    Any film, which moved its audiences ,is a perfect film, no matter whether it is long or short. Any dream, which can be insist in forever, will come true some day, no matter whether it is sublime or insignificant. Any person, which getting old snuggle up to his spouse, must be happy, no matter what happened to his life. This romantic film though has not too many words, shows us what love is and what dream is. 一部寥寥数笔 却如此温馨浪漫动人的表达爱情和梦想的电影     when asked about how to explain “up”, I always regard it as a courage of walking forwards or a force of a right side.   至于为什么叫 up 我想可能是一种正面的力量 一种向前走的勇气   at the beginning of this movie, the part which I just imitated, it shows a little boy worshiped a famous explorer. He met a little girl who was also keen on expedition many years ago.      电影开场 镜头从几十年前开始 小男孩对一名探险家崇拜不已 回家的路上走进一间破旧的房屋探险 认识了一名同样热爱探险的小女孩      小女孩和他分享自己的探险梦想 到south America 的 paradise fall She shared her dream of adventure; go to paradise fall in South America in the future, also a notebook named “My adventure book”.   还有一本名为My adventure book的记事本.    They grew up together, and got married. They decorated their little house as a love garden. Every day in their lives were filed with sweety   青梅竹马长大后相约一生 把探险屋装扮成爱的家园 每一天的日子都是甜蜜    but life is not perfect, they can’t have their own child, therefore they learn to treasure each other more.   无奈生活不是完美 两个人无法拥有自己的小孩 然后更加珍惜彼此   they handed each other’s hand when they were reading or watching clouds. They knew that only together with you is the whole of my life.两张椅子靠在一起 无论读书 看云 牵着你的手 就是我的全部    everyday, she helped him knit the necktie. The picture changed quickly, just like the different neckties’ changes. Finally, one day, she fell ill. He bought two tickets to South America. But in fact, they couldn’t go together forever.  每天 她都帮他打领带 镜头一个个切过去 领带一条条变换 日子如水般逝去 他在动物园买气球 她在动物园训练南美洲的美丽鸟儿      终于 有一天 她生病了


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