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lie lay lain lying 1.?躺;卧;平躺;平卧;横卧(常与 down 连用)2.?位于, 坐落在3.?展现, 伸展, , 铺展, 展开 4. 处于,保留,保持(某种状态) lie lied lied lying 说谎; 撒谎; 编造谎言 lay laid laid laying 1.?放置, (尤指轻轻地或小心地)放置, 安放, 搁2.?压倒, 使躺下, 放倒3.?使平息, 使消失4.?打赌, 下赌注5.?铺,铺放,铺设(尤指在地板上)6.?(在某物上)摊开,涂,敷;用一层…覆盖 lay emphasis on emphasize We came across an old man ______ in the road. lying Jack broke the vase, but mom wrongly ______ the blame on me. laid She is only 17. But she ______ about her age to get the job at the interview. lied He ______ on the grass, enjoying the sunshine on Sunday afternoon. lay let in 1.?让…进入; 放进2.?把…降下3.?加进; 嵌入4.?容许, 接受 let out 1.?使出来, 放出2.?〈主英〉出租(某物) 3.?使(火)熄灭4.?解散; 放学5.?泄露秘密 let down 1.?放低, 放下2.?使失望, 失信 let alone 1.?不理, 不管〔惹〕, 不烦扰, 不干涉2.?更不用说, 还不算 let off 1.?让…下车〔下船〕2.?引发, 引爆; 放(烟火,炮等)3.?放掉〔过〕; 免除 Please come and support me. Don’t _____ me ______. let me down Open the window and _________ some fresh air. let in The boys were __________ fireworks. letting off Don’t _____ it ______ about me losing my job, will you? let…out He can’t afford to rent the house, __________ buy it. let alone look around/ about ?四下观望, 环视,东张西望 look out 1.?向外看; 面向; 朝外2.?(表示警告,尤指有危险)小心,当心,留神3.?挑出〔找出〕(某物) look through 1.?仔细检查〔审查〕(某物)2.?对(某人)视而不见3.?穿过…看4.?看穿〔识破〕(某人或某事) 5.?粗略地翻阅; 细审… look up 1.?向上看; 抬头看2.?生意、某人的情况等好转;改善3.?拜访(某人) 4.?查找 look into ?在...里查资料;深入地检查,研究;调查 look forward to sth. 期望, 盼望 look back on 回忆 look up to 抬头看(某人或某物); 尊重〔敬仰〕(某人) look down on 1.?俯瞰(某处) 2.?看不起(某人) She ______________ people who have never been to university. looks down on Justine’s disappearance is ________________ by the police. being looked into _______________ these photographs and try to pick out the man who attacked you. Look through I must _____________ the time of your train. look up He spent two weeks in Shanghai _____________ the city. looking around/about Whenever I ________________ my childhood, I feel regretful to have wasted so much time. look back on lose g


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