
wto决策模式的法律问题分析-analysis on legal issues of wto decision - making mode.docx

wto决策模式的法律问题分析-analysis on legal issues of wto decision - making mode.docx

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wto决策模式的法律问题分析-analysis on legal issues of wto decision - making mode

procedure, and to participate in the members of the WTO informal decision-making is not by WTO members were elected.The third part focus on the participation of the subjects of WTO decision-making,including WTO members,WTO Director-General and Secretariat,and makes the points that WTO should encourage the Non-governmental organizations and Coalition constituted by WTO members to participate the decision-making procedure.The fourth part will discuss whether or not the members of WTO share the equal decision-making right.Respectively, the author summarizes the power of decision-making from the aspects of procedure and substance and generalizes the conclusion that in the form, consensus decision-making can ensure equal decision-making power of WTO members,but on substantive issues,as same as the informal decision-making of WTO,can not guarantee the equal rights.The fifth part is divided into two area.On the one hand,it explains the way that China maintains her interests in WTO decision-making,for example participating WTO decision-making actively,joining different coalitions according to her own benefits,and recommending citizens to WTO agency.On the other hand,China,as a developing country of responsible great power,should provide technical assistance to developing countries to participate in WTO decision-making.Keywords:the pattern of WTO decision-making;consensus; legitimacy; subject of decision-making;decision right目录引言 1(一)研究意义 1(二)研究现状 2(三)研究方法 7一、WTO 的决策模式8(一)WTO 的正式决策模式9(二)WTO“非正式”决策模式 12二、WTO 决策模式的合法性分析16(一)协商一致的决策方式的合法性分析 16(二)WTO 的“非正式”决策模式的合法性分析 19三、WTO 决策模式的参与主体分析20(一)WTO 的成员方 20(二)成员集团参与 WTO 决策的分析 21(三)WTO 的总干事和秘书处 24(四)非政府组织参与 WTO 决策的分析 25四、WTO 决策模式中成员方决策权的分析27(一)规则的平等价值 27(二)成员方决策权的形式平等分析 28(三)成员方决策权的实质平等分析 31五、中国参与 WTO 决策模式的策略34(一)中国应对 WTO 决策模式的建议 34(二)中国完善 WTO 决策模式的建议 37参考文献 40致谢 44引言(一)研究意义从 1948 年 CATT 成立至今,WTO 在维护世界和平、促进国际经济贸易发展、保障就 业等方面做出了不可磨灭的贡献。但不可否认,尽管获誉众多,WTO 体系仍非完美,同 其他国际经济组织一样,也面临着诸多困难和挑战。众所周知,WTO 系统的运作依赖于 四大机制——谈判机制,决策机制,贸易评审机制以及争



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