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* * 1.Constitutional Monarchy triumvirate (三权分立) : Legislation 立法 → Parliament Administration 行政 → government Jurisdiction 司法 → Court The oldest representative democracy in the world Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy Israel and Britain are the only two countries without written constitutions. 2.Queen/King: the official head of state head of the executive an integral part of the legislature head of judiciary commander in chief of the armed forces supreme governor of the established Church of England the powers are largely traditional and symbolic Elizabeth Ⅱ came to the throne in 1952 → Son Charles: her heir Power: every act of the state is done in her name But :every thing has been decided in advance by Parliament or the prime minister together with his cabinet. Δ she is an unchangeable symbol of the whole nation. It has a definite role in the U.K. It’s the only legal and constitutional link binding the members of the commonwealth. ☆the Monarchy has no bias towards different classes and political parties. 3. Parliament (1).consists of 3 elements: The crown The House of Lords The House of Commons (Δ the official head of Parliament is the Queen) (2).Since1264:“议会之母” “the legislature”: to pass laws the life is fixed at 5 years (When a bill is proposed, it first begins in the House of Commons. According to very ancient practice, it must have “three readings there”. If the Commons and Lords pass it, it must finally go to the Queen for her signature. ) (3).The House of Lords. consists of the Lords Spiritual


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