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weep的第三人称单数和短语例句  weep的第三人称单数:   weeps   weep的词组短语:   weep hole 泄水孔 ; 排水孔 ; 疏水孔 ; 护土墙上疏水孔   weep over 流泪 ; 哭泣 ; 悲叹   weep on 泣上 ; 在哭泣   weep第三人称单数例句:   1. brother, if presently you play widow meng jiang weeps at the great wall, ill sing it.   “ 姐夫你回头拉《孟姜女哭长城》, 我唱. ”   2. so i weep, as jazer weeps, for the vines of sibmah.   因此,我要为西比玛的葡萄树哀哭, 与雅谢人哀哭一样.   3. bitterly she weeps at night, tears are upon her cheeks.   她整夜痛哭, 泪流满面.   4. the week wife mood is excited, cover face and weeps.   周妻情绪激动, 掩面而泣.   5. nature makes us hurry inside when she weeps rain upon the world.   当大自然为这个世界不停地挥洒泪雨时,我们陷入了一片忙乱中.   6. he wastes his tears who weeps before the judge.   法官面前哭是浪费眼泪.   7. i weep for you as jazer weeps , o vines of sibmah.   西比玛的葡萄树阿,我为你哀哭, 甚于雅谢人哀哭.   8. it is allergic that eye acid always weeps acerbitily?   眼睛酸酸的总流泪是过敏 吗 ?   9. sea wind, why do you always bring the weeps?   海风啊, 为何总是带来哭声 呢 ?   10. betrays me back, till the heart of me weeps to belong.   出卖了我的过去, 直到我痛哭流涕的心.   11. and joab was told: the king now weeps and mourns for absalom.   1有人告诉约押说,看哪,王为押沙龙哭泣悲哀.   12. misused words are often laughable but one weeps for misused talents.   误用词语通常是引来嘲笑而误用人才则会令人痛心疾首.   13. i then read the story of taktugnu ( who weeps perpetually ).   于是我读了常啼 菩萨 的故事.   14. she starts, she trembles and she weeps.   她时而惊起, 时而抖又哭.   15. excess of sorrow laughs. excess of joy weeps.   过悲会笑, 过乐会哭.   weep的第三人称单数:   weeps   weep的词组短语:   weep hole 泄水孔 ; 排水孔 ; 疏水孔 ; 护土墙上疏水孔   weep over 流泪 ; 哭泣 ; 悲叹   weep on 泣上 ; 在哭泣   weep第三人称单数例句:   1. brother, if presently you play widow meng jiang weeps at the great wall, ill sing it.   “ 姐夫你回头拉《孟姜女哭长城》, 我唱. ”   2. so i weep, as jazer weeps, for the vines of sibmah.   因此,我要为西比玛的葡萄树哀哭, 与雅谢人哀哭一样.   3. bitterly she weeps at night, tears are upon her cheeks.   她整夜痛哭, 泪流满面.   4. the week wife mood is excited, cover face and weeps.   周妻情绪激动, 掩面而泣.   5. nature makes us hurry inside when she weeps rain upon the world.   当大自然为这个世界不停地挥洒泪雨时,我们陷入了一片忙乱中.   6. he wastes


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