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* * * * * * * * An example (cont.) 一个例子(续) The court decides within one or two days 6. 法庭在1或2天内作出决定 The bailiff and the patent attorney go to C’s factory and show the order of the court 7. 法警和专利代理人进入C的工厂并出示了法庭的命令 The bailiff draws up a description with the help of the patent attorney and seizes the manuals 8. 法警在专利代理人的协助下起草了描述并收缴了手册 C can challenge the order within a period (about a week) 9. C可以在一定时期内挑战该命令(大约1周) * An example (cont.) 一个例子(续) If the court declines C’s objections, P initiates infringement proceedings 10.如果法庭驳回了C的反对,P启动侵权诉讼 11.P request the court to allow him to look into the description and the seized manuals 11. P请求法庭允许他阅读描述和收缴的手册 * Critical issues 关键问题 the necessity of the seizure 收缴的必要性 preventing fishing expeditions 防止“远洋钓鱼”(浑水摸鱼,刺探情报) the protection of C’s confidential information C的秘密信息的保护 * Final remarks 最终评价 A new instrument in many countries 在许多国家的一项新工具 The lawyers and judges have to learn from the decisions in other countries 律师和法官们需要从其他国家的决定中吸取经验 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Pre-trial evidence preservation 诉前证据保全 EU – China Workshop on Civil Procedure Law 中国-欧盟民事诉讼法研讨会 Beijing 9-10 September 2010 北京,2010年9月9-10日 Jan Brinkhof The Netherlands 荷兰 * Topics 主题 Introduction、介绍 IP law in Europe、欧洲的知识产权法 Enforcement of IP rights 、知识产权执法 importance of enforcement in general 执法在一般意义上的重要性 IP Rights and enforcement 知识产权和执法 International framework 国际框架 European framework 欧洲框架 Pre-trial evidence preservation in Europe – legal issues 2.欧洲的诉前证据保全-法律问题 Pre-trial evidence preservation in Europe – in practice 3. 欧洲的诉前证据保全-实践 * Introduction 1.介绍 * IP law in Europe 欧洲知识产权法 Each EU country has its own system of law 每个欧盟成员国有自己的法律体系 IP law in Europe is harmonized and unified by: 欧洲的知识产权法要符合: International conventions 国际公约 European legislation (EU Regulations and EU Directives) 欧洲立法(欧盟条例和欧盟指令) Result: the substantive IP law is more ore less identical in all EU countries 结果:实体知识产权法在所有欧盟国家或多或少是一致的 Recently the e


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