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2012-12-14 比较级结构 一、同级比较 基本模式:as + adj./adv.+as + clause 例如:John behaves as politely as Bob (does). Scientists generally agree that the Earth’s climate will warm up over the next 50 to 100 years as much as it has warmed in the 20,000 years since the Ice Age. 科学家普遍认为今后50~100年间,地球气温上升的程度与自冰河世纪时期以来两万年间地球气温上升的程度几乎相同。 2012-12-14 I find records are often as good as or better than an actual performance. 我认为听唱片常常跟实际演出一样好,甚至比实际演出还要好。 否定句式:not so …as 有时可以用less…than来替代。 John doesn’t behave as politely as Bob. = John behaves less politely than Bob. The speaker claimed that no other modern nation devotes so small a portion of its wealth to public assistance (公共援助)and health care (卫生保健)as the United States does. 2012-12-14 Less…than结构的使用没有not so…as结构那样频繁。有时,less…than结构听起来不够自然,在这种情况下,也可以用原句中形容词或副词的反义词的比较级+than来表示,但是含义略有区别。试揣摩: This street is less wide than that one. This street is narrower than that one. Bill speaks French less well than he writes it.(言外之意:可能说得也不错,但写得更好。) Bill speaks French worse than he writes it. (言外之意:写得不好,说得更差。) 2012-12-14 【注】as…as结构还可以用于同一事物的两个不同方面进行比较。 The girl is as brilliant as she is beautiful.这姑娘既漂亮又聪明。 This swimming pool is as wide as it is long.游泳池宽度和长度相等。 He is not so wise as he is witty.他为人风趣,但不够明智。 He is as sociable as his sister is unsocial.他乐于交际,他妹妹却不合群。 2012-12-14 同级比较的另一模式是as much/many+ n.+ as + clause He took as much butter as he needed. George is as efficient a worker as Jack. = George is a worker as efficient as Jack. I don’t want to buy as expensive a car as that one. 2012-12-14 比较下列句型,仔细体会各自不同用法 not so…as (不如) not so much…as (与其说……不如说) not so much as…连……都没…… so much so that (so…that句型的变体) He did not so much as turn his face.他连头都没回。 He went away without so much as saying good-bye. Success in life does not depend so much on one’s school record as on one’s honesty and diligence. It wasn’t so much his appearance I liked as his personality. So much so that中第二个so 是替代词,替代第一个so前面的形容词的。实际上还是so…that句型。 2012-12-14 He is ignorant so much so t


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