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whisper的第三人称单数和短语例句  whisper的第三人称单数:   whispers   whisper的词组短语:   silver whisper 银啸号 ; 银萧号   winds whisper 风语   whisper island 私语岛   whisper number 惠斯珀数 ; 谣言的数字 ; 耳语数字   healing whisper 痊愈私语 ; 治愈低语   whisper第三人称单数例句:   1. we discussed the situation in hushed whispers.   我们窃窃私语地讨论了形势。   2. men were talking in whispers in every office.   每间办公室里人们都在窃窃私语。   3. we spoke in whispers for fear that we might wake the baby.   我们轻声说话,以免吵醒婴儿.   4. they spoke in whispers lest they should be heard.   他们低声耳语惟恐被人听见.   5. the young couple are always occupied with endless whispers of love.   那对年轻夫妇总是情话喁喁.   6. they were talking in whispers.   他们在悄声地谈话.   7. whispers passed along , and a boding uneasiness took possession of every countenance.   到处窃窃私语,人人脸上露出不祥的焦虑.   8. pickering whispers to eliza and points out the ladiesroom.   辟克林对伊莉莎小声说话,指给她女客衣帽间.   9. it transpired from the whispers of the quick man.   这全是奎克曼的耳语造成的.   10. whispers around downtown predict major cutbacks soon at forum east.   商业界人士私下预料,东城新区工程不久将大幅度缩减.   11. they conversed for some time in whispers.   他们窃窃交谈了一段时间.   12. morning brought consciousness to the stricken man, and malemute kid bent closer to catch his whispers.   早晨,受伤的人清醒过来了,麦尔缪特·基德俯身过去,倾听着他那悄悄的细语.   13. listen, my heart, to the whispers of the world with which it makes love to you.   静静地听, 我的心呀, 听那世界的低语,这是它对你求爱的表示呀.   14. he then goes back and briefly whispers something into the blondes ear.   于是他走到后面来,在金发女郎的耳边轻声说了几句.   15. cool whispers drift from the north on the night.   清冷的哭诉在夜间从北面飘来.   whisper的第三人称单数:   whispers   whisper的词组短语:   silver whisper 银啸号 ; 银萧号   winds whisper 风语   whisper island 私语岛   whisper number 惠斯珀数 ; 谣言的数字 ; 耳语数字   healing whisper 痊愈私语 ; 治愈低语   whisper第三人称单数例句:   1. we discussed the situation in hushed whispers.   我们窃窃私语地讨论了形势。   2. men were talking in whispers in every office.   每间办公室里人们都在窃窃私语。   3. we spoke in whispers for fear that we might wake the baby.   我们轻声说话,以免吵醒婴儿.   4. they spoke in whispers lest they should be heard.   他们


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