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Whatever的两种用法介绍  whatever的用法一是引导名词性从句,二是用于引导让步状语从句,下面小编为大家简单介绍这两种用法,欢迎大家阅读。 whatever的用法:用于引导名词性从句   i’m going to learn whatever my tutor wishes.我将学习任何我的导师愿意我学的东西.   college students are seen doing whatever work they can find.我们可以看到,只要有工作,大学生们什么都干.   do whatever she tells you and youll have peace.她叫你干什么你就干什么,那你就太平了.   one should stick to whatever one has begun.开始了的事就要坚持下去.   she would tell him whatever news she got.她得到的任何消息都会告诉他. whatever的用法:用于引导让步状语从句   whatever you do,i wont tell you my secret.不管你做什么,我都不会把我的秘密告诉你.   we’ll go along together whatever happens.不管发生什么情况我们都要起干.   whatever happens,the first important thing is to keep cool.不管发生什么事,头等重要的是保持冷静.   don’t lose heart whatever difficulties you meet.不管遇到什么困难都不要灰心.   whatever happens,well meet here tonight.不管发生什么事情,我们今晚都在这儿碰头.   注意1:   whatever从句有时可以省略.如:   whatever your argument,i shall hold to my decision.不管你怎样争辩,我还是坚持自己的决定.   注意2:   whatever还可用于加强语气,相当于what ever,what on earth等.如:   whatever is the matter?这是怎么回事? whatever的网络释义   whatever   任何方式; 无论如何; 随便; 爱咋咋地;   or whatever   等等; 诸如此类的事; 诸如此类的事 .;   whatever happens   患难见真情; 无论发生任何事; 不论发生什么; 无论如何;   whatever works   怎样都行; 管用就好; 管用就好 -;   generation whatever   随便世代; whatever的英语例句   franklin was free to do pretty much whatever he pleased   富兰克林几乎可以做自己喜欢做的任何事情。   we shall love you whatever happens, diana   戴安娜,不管发生什么,我们都爱你。   there is no evidence whatever that competition in broadcasting has ever reduced costs   没有任何证据表明,广播业的竞争使成本有所降低。   whatever can you mean?   你到底是什么意思?   i thought that my upbringing was normal, whatever that is   我认为我的成长过程甭管怎么说还算“正常”。   whatever you do, dont look for a pay increase when you know the company is going through some difficulty   不管怎样,在知道公司遭遇困境时不要指望加薪。   when youre older i think youre better equipped mentally to cope with whatever happens   你年龄再大一些后,我想你就会有更强的心理承受能力来面对所发生的任何事。   hes good at whatever he does.   他做事样样出色。   people will judge you whatever you do   不   论你做什么,人们都会品头论足。   whatever is the matter with you both?   你们俩究竟怎么回事?   


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