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PAGE 9 -2008级山师学员第三学期作业汉语言文学专业(本科)外国文学作业:1、什么是荷马史诗?2、荷马史诗思想内容上有什么价值?艺术上有什么特点?3、人文主义文学有哪些基本特征?4、什么是流浪汉小说?5、堂吉诃德的形象有什么意义?作品的艺术成就是什么?6、莎士比亚戏剧的艺术特点是什么?7、《哈姆莱特》的悲剧性表现在什么地方?8、浮士德》的艺术特点是什么?9、浪漫主义文学有什么基本特征?10、什么是“拜伦式英雄”?11、《巴黎圣母院》的艺术特点是什么?12、西欧各国现实主义文学有什么共同特征?13、于连形象分析。14、什么是《人间喜剧》?《人间喜剧》的基本内容是什么?15、安徒生童话有哪些思想内容?有怎样的世界影响?16、屠格涅夫的小说创作有什么特色?17、安娜·卡列尼娜形象分析。西方文化概论作业:1、什么是文化?2、文化与文明有什么区别?3、西欧封建社会的历史进程有什么特点?4、什么是欧洲文艺复兴运动?5、什么是文化逻辑?6、西方文化有什么特征?7、什么是宗教改革运动?8、基督教教义主要有哪些?9、近代科学技术对西方人类社会产生了哪些重大影响?10、希腊教育思想给后世有怎样的启示?11、什么是荷马史诗?12、如何看待东西方文化关系的历史演变与未来发展?英语专业(本科)英语精读作业:1. Use the verb in brackets to form an appropriate phrasal verb you may have learned and relace with it the italicied part in each of the following sentences. (教材 P11)Joe wrote to say that he had to postpone his visit because of his illness. (put)Despite the noise, they continued working as if nothing were happening. (go)Traffic was delayed for several hours by the accident. (hold)Asked to speak at the meeting, I couldn’t very well refuse. (call)Mrs. Stevenson directed her eyes inside the cupboard and found there was not a single lump of sugar left. (look)(教材 P34)6) I really don’t want to go tonight and I’m trying to ________ an excuse. (think)7) Is there anything else you want to ________ before we end the meeting? (bring)8) I was having problems with my wisdom teeth so the dentist _____them ____. (take)9) The civil war broke out, _________ the modernization of the country by ten years.10) Natural gas ________ less carbon dioxide than coal. (give)(教材 P54)11) The firm has decided to __________ another line of products, as there are not selling well. (switch)12) The local government _________ a number of colleges and technical schools to meet the needs of the rapidly expanding economy in the region. (set)13) Despite the scorching heat, the farmers ________ working until all the crops were got in. (keep)14) Because of the limitation of space, I had to ________ a lot of excellent material, which I intended to include in anot


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