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中国企业海外投资存在主要问题及建议作 者学 院专 业摘 要摘 要 PAGE 1摘 要自从党的十七大报告明确指出:“坚持对外开放的基本国策,把‘引进来’和‘走出去’更好地结合起来”以来,我国逐步加快了“走出去”经济发展战略的实施步伐。作为对外直接投资的重要形式,中国企业的海外并购规模和金额也在不断扩大。正如所有的商业活动一样,中国企业走出去占领海外市场,获取海外资源的同时,也承担着对外直接投资过程中的风险。近年来,在经历了数次的并购失败之后,中国企业海外投资需要面对的问题也更加棘手。了解并解决海外并购中可能出现的问题,可以帮助我们中国企业更好的融入国际市场。本文共包括:中海油竟购优尼科;中铝收购力拓;吉利并购沃尔沃;中国企业海外并购后所面临的突出问题及几点建议四个部分。通过三个经典案例的分析,归纳出我们海外并购经常会遇到的问题,并给予一些可行性的建议。关键词:海外并购 风险控制 国际市场ABSTRACTABSTRACT PAGE 8 PAGE 3ABSTRACT The report of Seventeenth Congress of the Communist Party of China indicate specificly that“ insist on the basic policy of opening up and do a better job in combining bring in and going out’’.From then on,our country has gradually stepped up to do the “going out”. As an important form of Direct Investment Abroad, the scale and amount of Chinese enterprise overseas MA(mergersacquisitions) are continually expanding. As all the commercial activities, Chinese enterprises go out to capture the market and get the overseas resources as well as undertake the risk about the process of foreign direct investment. In recent years, the foreign investment problems faced by Chinese enterprises becomes more and more confusing after so many failures on MA. Understand and solve the overseas M A issues that may arise, can help our Chinese companies better integrate into the international market.This paper includes the following sections.CNOOC purchase of Unocal actually, the acquisition of Rio Tinto Aluminium, Geely acquisition of Volvo and the major problems and some suggestions faced by Chinese enterprises after overseas acqusition. It sums up some usual problems about our overseas MA by means of the analysis of three typical cases and gives some available suggestions.Key words: MA; Risk control; International market.目 录 PAGE 1目 录 TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc293045696 一、中海油竞购优尼科 PAGEREF _Toc293045696 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293045697 (一)中海油竞购优尼科案件始末 PAGEREF _Toc293045697 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293045698 (二)中海油并购失败的原因分析 PAGEREF _T


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