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SHANDONGUNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY毕业设计说明书多点温度巡检系统设计学 院: 电气与电子工程学院 专 业: 电子信息工程 学生姓名: 学 号: 0911043049 指导教师: 2013 年 5 月摘 要随着社会的进步和工业技术的发展,人们越来越重视温度因素,许多产品对温度范围要求严格,而目前市场上普遍存在的温度检测仪器大都是单点测量,同时有温度信息传递不及时、精度不够的缺点,不利于工业控制者根据温度变化及时做出决定。在这样的形式下,开发一种能够同时测量多点,并且实时性高、精度高,能够综合处理多点温度信息的测量系统就很有必要。本课题以AT89C51单片机系统为核心,能对多点的温度进行实时巡检。DS18B20是一种可组网的高精度数字式温度传感器,由于其具有单总线的独特优点,可以使用户轻松地组建起传感器网络,并可使多点温度测量电路变得简单、可靠。本文结合实际使用经验,分别介绍了DS18B20数字温度传感器温度检测电路、键盘输入控制电路、蜂鸣器报警电路和串口通信电路与单片机的硬件连接。通过软件编程实现将检测电路检测到的信号传到数码管电路显示以及可以实现对温度的实时报警,而且通过串口通信电路可以传至上位机实现通信。关键词: 温度检测 单片机 多点温度巡检AbstractAs the industry and the society developing, the temperature becomes more and more important and a lot of products are sensitive to temperature. However, temperature measuring apparatus in the market now only can check and measure the temperature of one point, at the same time, the temperature information is not real time and the precision is low. It takes a great of troubles for the industry-controllers to make decision .In this situation, design and implement one applicable system which can watch measure and control the temperature and the measuring results is real time and the precision is great is more essential. In order to meeting this application, this paper talk about The Multiple-Point’s temperature Measuring System.This system based on single chip computer, can inspect and control multiple temperatures in real time.?As a kind of high-accuracy digital net temperature sensor,DS18 B20 can be used building a sensor net easily. It can also make the net simple and reliable with its special 1-wire interface .This paper introduces the application of DS18B20 with single chip processor.Keywords: temperature detection Single chip microcomputer Multipoint temperature checking目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc359417026 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc359417026 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc359417027 Abstract PAGEREF _Toc35941702


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