商务英语原文--Fundamentals of Economics Core Issues in Economics.DOC

商务英语原文--Fundamentals of Economics Core Issues in Economics.DOC

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Fundamentals of Economics Core Issues in EconomicsFUNDAMENTALS of ECONOMICSThe Aim Scope of Economics: The study of economics is aimed at finding the natural law governing an economy and its scope is to find the ideal principles for the working of an economy based on those findings.There is no such Thing as Free Lunch: It is the most fundamental law of nature that every thing has either monetary or non-monetary value. Though generally things have both monetary and non-monetary aspects, never the less for the purpose of simplicity and understanding we only consider monetary aspect of things in economics.INVISBILE HAND This is the most vital as well as an extremely difficult idea to logically explain, and however absolutely impossible to mathematically prove it. Perhaps in order to understand it one needs to think beyond logic and one may comprehend it after ones own peculiar experiences. How the invisible hand plays it role in making financial shifts among individuals, groups and even among nations can be understood by studying natural phenomenon viz., the animal world, the plant world, the rotation of the solar system, the rain, diseases, wars, natural disasters etc. Moreover the mental state of an individual changes continuously and mysteriously which affects ones decision making and other faculties that results in changes in ones economic/financial conditions. Uncontrollable and unpredictable invisible factors beyond human control brought financial changes. Defining Economics: Economics deals with the efficient management (by the individuals entrepreneurs) of scarce resources to satisfy unlimited human wants by applying science technology in the market. * Efficiency can be defined as doing things in a best possible manner. Basic Economic Problem: Scarcity of Resources, Unlimited Wants Choice:It is a known fact that our resources (time, raw materials, land, human resources, machines, money etc.) are limited while our wants are unlimited and recu



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