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电影社交网络英文台词(已纠错) 练习口语的极好资料.doc
PAGE PAGE 1Facebook/扎克伯格 起源相关电影台词(已纠错),练习英文的绝好资料Did you know there are more peoplewith genius IQs living in China
than there are people of any kindliving in the United States?
That cant possibly be true.It is.What would account for that?Well, first, an awful lot of peoplelive in China, but heres my question.
How do you distinguish yourselfin a population of people
who all got 1600 on their SATs?
- I didnt know they take SATs in China.- They dont.
I wasnt talking about China anymore,I was talking about me.
You got a 1600?
Yes. I could sing in an a cappella group,but I cant sing.
Does that mean you actuallygot nothing wrong?
I could row crew or invent a $25 PC.
Or you could get into a final club.
Or I get into a final club.
You know, from a womans perspective,
sometimes not singing inan a cappella group is a good thing.
This is serious.
On the other hand,I do like guys who row crew.
Well, I cant do that.
I was kidding.
And, yes, I got nothing wrong on the test.
- Have you ever tried?- Im trying right now.
- To row crew?- To get into a final club.
To row crew? No.Are you, like, whatever, delusional?
Maybe its just sometimesyou say two things at once.
Im not sure which oneIm supposed to be aiming at.
But youve seen guys who row crew, right?
Okay, well, theyre bigger than me.Theyre world-class athletes.
And a second ago,you said you like guys who row crew
so I assumed you had met one.
I guess I just meant I like the idea of it.You know, the way a girl likes cowboys.
Should we get something to eat?
Would you like to talkabout something else?
No. Its just since the beginning ofthe conversation about finals club,
I think I may have missed a birthday.
There are really more people in China withgenius IQs than the entire population...
The Phoenix is the most diverse.The Fly Club... Roosevelt punched the Porc.
Which one?
The Porcellian, the Porc.Its the best of the best.
- Which Roosevelt?- Theodore.
Is it true that they send a bus aroundto pick up girls
who want t
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