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威海市初中升学考试模拟试题英语听力原文   一、听句子,选择与画面一致的选项。每小题1分。   1. A. My brother meets lots of famous people every day.   B. My brothers job is exciting but kind of dangerous.   C. My brother works for a famous magazine.   2. A. Its my favorite season. Children enjoys making snowmen.   B. I like summer best, because I like swimming in the sea.   C. I dont like autumn. Leaves are all falling down   3. A. Look at these animals. They are so cute and they are from Australia.   B. Look at these animals. They are so cute and they are only from China.   C. Look! These animals are so big. Theyre from Africa.   4. A. Teenagers are supposed to learn how to behave politely.   B. Teenagers are not allowed to enter the Internet bar.   C. Teenagers should exercise every day.   5. A. There was an earthquake last night. Only a few people was hurt.   B. There was a thick snow last night. All the things are in white.   C. There was a heavy storm last night. The car even couldnt move this morning.   二、听句子,选择适当的答语。每个句子听两遍。每小题1分。   6. Could you please show me the way to the nearest post office?   7. How can we help to improve the environment?   8. How long have they work in this company?   9. What are you supposed to do when you meet someone in Japan?   10. My brother fell off his bike and hurt himself.   三、听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。每小题1分。   11. W: How much is this blouse?   M: Its on sale, just $15 for each.   W: OK. Ill take two.   Question:   How much should the woman pay for the blouses?   12. M: Did you go to Sydney or Tokyo on vacation?   W: Neither. I went to Paris.   Question:   Where did the woman go on vacation?   13. M: What time does the match begin?   W: It begins at 8 oclock.   M: Oh, we should be in a hurry. We have only 15 minutes left.   Question:   Whats the time now?   14. M: Whats wrong with you, Linda?   W: I felt very sick and had a headache.   M: Let me see. Oh, dont worry. Theres nothing serious. Youve got a bad cold. Go back home and stay in bed. Take this medicine. Youll be all right


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