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ltral ornr 英语必修1 Modl5新课改系列PPT.ppt

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ltral ornr 英语必修1 Modl5新课改系列PPT.ppt

* Thomas Edison What subjects are you interested in? Are you always interested in it/them? How did you become interested in it/them? Why are you interested in it/them? What do you think of this subject? Lead in 1. Why has Mark become more interested in science? 2. Do you enjoy studying science? Explain why or why not. Read the passage and answer the questions: Because he has moved to a new school with good facilities and teachers. 驾驶证考试网 / 驾驶证考试 驾驶证考试网 / 金手指驾驶员考试2016 驾驶证考试网 /km1/ks/ 科目一模拟考试c1 驾驶证考试网 /km4/ks/ 金手指驾驶员考试2016科目四 驾驶证考试网 /km1/ 驾照考试科目一 金手指考试 /km2/ 科目二考试 金手指考试网 /km3/ 驾照考试科目三 金手指考试网 /km4/ 驾照考试科目四 Explanation 1. The science facilities are very good, with laboratories that have all the latest equipment. 这些科研设备非常好,实验室配有最新的设备。 with在此句中意为“带有……”, 其引导的短语对句子作附加说明。 that have all the latest equipment 为定语从句, 修饰laboratories. 2. The fact is, Canada has many first-class scientists. 事实是加拿大有许多一流的科学家。 first-class为形容词, 意为“第一流; 最好的; 最优秀的”。如: They can afford to eat at first-class restaurants. She got first-class results in her exams. 3. The Nobel Prize is the highest prize there is, so we should be very proud of that. 诺贝尔奖是目前科学方面的最高奖, 因此我们感到骄傲。 there is为定语从句, 在句中修饰prize; be proud of 意为“为……感到骄傲”, 后跟名词、代词或动词的-ing形式。如: She is very proud of her son. 她以她的儿子为荣。 He is proud of having studied in Paris. 他以曾在巴黎读过书为荣。 此外,be proud后还能跟that从句和动词不定式。如: He is proud that he is a teacher. 他以当老师为荣。 I am proud to say that you are my student. 我以有你这学生为荣。 4. …, as both are supposed to have good physics Departments. 因为两个(大学)都有不错的物理系。 be supposed to do 意为“被期望或被要求(按惯例、规则) 做某事”。如: You are supposed to pay the bill by Friday. 你最晚在星期五结清这笔帐。 * * * * *


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