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B8 M4小课文.ppt

准备:默写纸 默写周记忆之周三 课本55页,笔记本,课时作业本 默写:1. 祝贺你被牛津大学录取。 2. 我又不是三岁小孩。 3. fly 过去式,过去分词,现在分词 预习课文,逐句翻译,划出生单词,短语,分析长难句结构 1. The demand for Chinese as a foreign language is growing fast, both in English-speaking countries, such as Britain and the USA, and in other countries like France, where the number of students studying Chinese has increased by 15% each year in recent years. 2. But there is also a renewed interest in the culture and traditions of China; the fact that Chinese culture has continued uninterrupted for more than 5,000 years is a source of curiosity and fascination for people in other parts of the world. 3.I’ve studied quite a few languages, and none of them are as easy for me as Chinese. I’ve studied quite a few languages, none of _____ are as easy for me as Chinese. 4.Established in 1990, the HSK test was initially meant for those learners who regard Chinese as a second or foreign language. 5. And a spin-off of this is that teaching Chinese as a foreign language offers young Chinese language graduates interesting professional opportunities-and a chance to travel across the world. 大声朗读课文,记忆知识点 economy adj. _____ drama adj. _____ simple adv. _____ incredible be similar ______ be meant ______ the third reason a third reason _____demand the demand ____ Chinese increase by/to ____ the increase the reason ____ the cause _____ at the moment regard…._____ It seems that everybody in the world wants to learn Chinese. The demand ________ Chinese as a foreign language is growing fast, both in English-speaking countries _____ in other countries. In France, the number of students studying Chinese __________(increase) by 15% each year in recent years. There are a number of reasons ______ the interest. As China develops___________ (economy), opportunities for doing business increase dramatically. But there is also a ________ (renew) interest in the culture and traditions


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