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水 * 作者:李乐雄 QQ:979901094 人教版高中英语必修一 Unit 5 Friendship 听力课件 1. Discuss the question in pairs before listening: What things do you think were unfair in South Africa? 2. Listen to the tape and write down the main idea. ________________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________ The main idea is the three reasons why Elias joined the ANC Youth League. 3. Listen again and compare the life and work of white and black people at that time. Fill in the chart below. Differences White people Black people The jobs they did Where the workers lived no need for a passbook to work with their families with their workmates needed a passbook to work Differences White people Black people How much land they owned Their hospital and schools most of South Africa the best the worst poorest parts of South Africa 1. Do you think Elias was right to join the ANC Youth League? 2. Imagine you are Elias. What would you do? Why? Listening on P69. He wrote the Bible in English so all could read it. He died for his ideas but his work was later used in the Bible. Pre-listening Think about this question: Why do you think Tyndale translated the Bible? Listen to the whole text and decide whether they are True or False. 1. William Tyndale wrote the first Bible. 2. He was born in the fifth century. 3. Many years ago the Bible was written in the Greek and Hebrew languages. 4. William Tyndale later moved to Belgium to complete his work. 5. Everybody in Europe loved the Bilbe written by William Tyndale. England fifteenth English Listen to Part 1 again and complete the passage. William Tyndale was born in ________ in the _________ century. He lived from ______ to _____. He was only ___ years old when he died. At that time the Bible was not written in ________, so most people in ________ couldn’t read it at all. So William Tyndale wrote the first ____________. People still use his ______ and ___________ today. London fifteenth 1494 1536 42 English


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