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暮色走进斯蒂芬妮梅尔吸血鬼世界   如果不是因为这部电影,Grace根本不知道“暮光之城”这套书,更不会知道原来它在美国已经热卖了好几年。只看情节,似乎看不出这个吸血鬼故事有什么特别,但能在这个吸血鬼小说、电影和电视剧泛滥的年代打出名堂,肯定有其过人之处。如果想知道《暮色》讲什么但又懒得看小说,这部电影是个不错的选择。再透露一个消息:《暮色》原定今年12月上映,但由于《哈利?波特与混血王子》的上映日期由原来的11月推迟到明年7月,于是制作《暮色》的电影公司决定填补这个空挡。   如果你对小说感兴趣,还可以翻到本期的“美文共享”栏目读一读节选,说不定你也会喜欢上它哦。      On a March day in Oregon, the sun’s as bright as a California morning. That’s great news for the locals, but it sucks if you’re a vampire. For two weeks, Twilight, the $37 million film adaptation[改编] of Stephenie Meyer’s   best-selling novel, has been shooting outside Portland ?   a location chosen, in part, because the skies are often   overcast[阴暗的]. Vampires, in Meyer’s universe, can go out during the day but have to stay out of direct   sunlight. Therefore, director Catherine Hardwicke has had to scrap[扔弃] an exterior[外面的] shoot, and, because tomorrow’s weather looks cheery too, she’s been forced to rush into[仓促行动] a romantic scene between her two young stars. “We were building a bedroom in 24 hours,” Hardwicke says later. “We were just sweating[拼命地工作] it.”   Fans have been sweating it too. Not since Harry Potter has a book-to-film journey inspired so much   enthusiasm[狂热]. The movie will follow the novel closely: 17-year-old Bella moves to a small town in the Pacific Northwest and falls in love with Edward, a vampire.   Edward also falls for Bella, but his love for her barely controls his instinct[本能] to drink her blood. The girls who have gone crazy for the book have been vivisecting[活体解剖] the film’s development online. With a fan base like that, all of Hollywood should have been jousting[竞争] for the film rights. In fact, the movie almost didn’t happen.   In April 2004, Paramount’s MTV Films optioned[获准进行选择]   Twilight, but the script they developed is very different from the novel. “They could have put that movie out, called it something else, and no one would have known it was Twilight,” Meyer says. Then, in 2006, Erik Feig, president of production at Summit


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