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可再生能源發電系統與電網接駁的技術 指引 2016 年版 Technical Guidelines on Grid Connection of Renewable Energy Power Systems 2016 Edition Contents 前言 Foreword 1 辭彙及縮略語 Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations 2 簡介 Introduction 3 可再生能源發電系統與電網接駁 Connection of the REPS to the Grid 4 適用範圍 Scope 5 安全考慮 Safety Considerations 6 設備保護 Equipment Protection 7 可靠性 Reliability 8 供電質量 Power Quality 9 效能與監測 Performance and Monitoring 10 測試與校驗 Testing and Commissioning 11 安裝後擁有人的責任 Post-installation Obligations of the Owners 12 申請程序摘要 Outline of Application Procedures 13 本地及海外標準和實例裝置電路圖 Local and Overseas Standards and Circuit Diagrams of Examples of Installations 附錄 Appendices 附錄I Appendix I 與申請接駁電網事宜有關的電力公司聯絡資料 Contact Information of Utility for Grid Connection Application 附錄II Appendix II 申請與電網接駁時須提交的特定資料 Typical information to be Submitted with Grid Connection Application 附錄III Appendix III 本地及海外標準和實務指引 Local and Overseas Standards and Best Practices 附錄IV Appendix IV 實例裝置電路圖 Circuit Diagrams of Examples of Installations 免責聲明 DiscIaimer 對於因倚賴本刊物所提供的資料或本刊物資料不完整而引致的損失或損害,香港 特別行政區政府概不承擔任何責任及法律責任。 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region does not accept any liability and responsibility for loss or damage caused due to reliance on any information or omission in the publication. 版權公告 Copyright Notice 本刊物的內容,包括但不限於所有文本、平面圖像 、圖畫、圖片、照片,以及數 據或其他資料的匯編,均受版權保障。香港特別行政區政府是本刊物內所有版權 作品的擁有人。除非事先得到機電工程署的書面授權,否則嚴禁侵犯有關版權, 包括但不限於複製、改編、分發、發布或向公眾提供該等版權作品。 The content of this publication, including but not limited to all text, graphics, drawings, diagrams, photographs and compilation of data or other materials are protected by copyright. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is the owner of all copyright works contained in this publication. Any infringement of copyright, including but


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