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愉快学习, 陶冶情操
深圳碧波中学 余希林
关键词:调节情绪 增加兴趣 陶冶情操 沟通感情
美国心理学博士戴尔·斯科特·里德利著的《自主课堂》一书告诉我们:把学生的基本情感、动机需求放在首位,以支持学生的学习为宗旨来创建积极的课堂环境。创造积极课堂环境的关键在于,教师应该尽力满足学生的情感、动机需求,和学生一起分享学习知识的快乐和感情满足的愉悦()。中科院院士、复旦大学原校长杨福家教授曾指出,能唤起学生好奇心的老师是非常重要的。学生在年轻时产生的好奇心、兴趣对他的一生都是有用的。我们应该让学生在年轻时生活得愉快,充满好奇心,有丰富的兴趣()。音乐与人的生活息息相关,它能通过心理作用影响人们的情绪,陶冶性情从而达到消除疲劳和振奋精神的目的()。’ soul and heart)
III.教学辅助设备(Teaching aids)
电脑,多媒体(Computer, multimedia)
IV.教学方法(Teaching method):
语法翻译法(Grammar-translation approach)
目标教学。(Task-Based language teaching)
V.教学过程.(Teaching procedure)
1)Ask students following questions:
问题一:Do you often sing or listen to an English song?
参考回答:Oh, that’s a very good habit, and you’ll learn a lot in this way.
问题二:Can you sing an English song well without understanding the words?
参考回答:Certainly not, if you want to sing a song well, you have to have a good understanding of the words and above all ,you’d better have background knowledge of the song.
问题三:If there are two ways of learning English, one is our regular teaching , the other is learning English while listening and enjoying an English song, which do you prefer ?
参考回答:I know most of you will prefer the second way。 Ok, today, I will try this way. Now let’s first enjoy an English song, whose title is The Straw Hat
Step 2: 展示歌词。(Presentation of words)
The Straw Hat
Ma Ma ,do you remember the old straw hat you gave to me, I lost that hat long ago, flew to the foggy canyon(浓雾的山岙). Yeh Ma Ma I wonder what happened to that old straw hat, falling down the mountainside, out of my reach like your heart. Suddenly that wind came up, stealing my hat from me yeh, swirling(旋动), whirling gust of wind(一阵风), blowing it higher away. Ma Ma that old straw hat was the only one I really loved, but we lost it, no one could bring it back, like the life you gave me.
1)深情朗读(Read aloud emotionally)
2)解释生词(Explain new word