急 性 淋 菌 性 尿 道 炎 急性淋菌性尿道炎 急性淋菌性尿道炎 阴茎系带ppt课件.ppt

急 性 淋 菌 性 尿 道 炎 急性淋菌性尿道炎 急性淋菌性尿道炎 阴茎系带ppt课件.ppt

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急 性 淋 菌 性 尿 道 炎 急性淋菌性尿道炎 急性淋菌性尿道炎 阴茎系带ppt课件

Gonorrhea ;1.Definition Gonorrhea is a kind of pyogenic infection of urogenital system caused by diplococcus gonorrhoeae ,including infections of eyes、pharynx、rectum、pelvic kidney and Disseminated gonococcal infection .;2.Etiology Pathogen is Neisseria gonorrhoeae, calling diplococcus gonorrhoeae or gonococcus for short, found in discharge of patients in 1879 by Neisseria firstly. ;;2.2 Growth propert: For optimal growth, it requires a moist medium with temperature of 35 °C -36 °C, and a 3–5% CO2 atmosphere. Gonococcus is fastidious organism that grow well in culture media including animal protein. Gonococcus die easily in dry and hot circumstances Normal disinfectant or soap can cause it lose motoricity.;2.3 Biochemical event: Gonococcus can create oxidase during growing process, so oxidase test is meaningful in initial diaganosis. ;3.Drug resistance research of Gonococcus It’s reported continuously that PPNG and non-PPNG resistance strains and spectinomycin、norfloxacin and ofloxacin resistance strains have been found in China in recent year. Most of Gonococcus strains popular in China are sensitive to Ceftriazone;Mechanism of Drug resistance Gonococcus create PPNG which can split Beta-Lactam cycle of penicillin through plasmid, that can cause it lose antibiotic effect. Drug resistance strains caused by chromatosome mutation can change permeability of bacteria cell wall which cause the resistance to penicillin increase to 2-4 times The Mechanisms above have cooperation action.;4. Epidemiology Humans are the only natural hosts of Gonococcus, and the patients are the only sources of infection. Transmission of adult gonorrhea is almost entirely by sexual contact,and transmission through nonsexual contact is extremely rare. Now epidemic tendency:Cases of gonorrhea in developed countries have been unchangeable or decreased, but increased year by year in many developing countries. Cases of gonorrhea are the first place of all STDs in our c


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