Unit 5 Feeling excited Topic 1 Section C.doc

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Unit 5 Feeling excited Topic 1 Section C

为您服务教育网  HYPERLINK / / PAGE 1 Ⅰ. Material analysis 本节课建议用一课时完成,主要活动为1a和2a 1a呈现了在前两课中多次提到的音乐剧The Sound of Music的故事梗概,让学生了解了这部经典的影片的大致故事情节,学习年轻活泼的女主人公Maria积极乐观的生活态度,和通过音乐表达出来的对孩子的爱心,对生活的热爱和面对困难时对理想的锲而不舍的执着精神。学生在阅读引人入胜的电影故事的同时自然地丰富他们的语言积累,在运用中继续学习linking verb+adjective这一结构的表达。 课后要求学生写一篇有关采访Mr. Brown关于The Sound of Music的对话,旨在培养学生乐于接受优秀的异域文化,学会对优秀影视作品的欣赏,拥有积极乐观的生活态度。 Ⅱ. Teaching Knowledge aims: 1. 学生能根据音标,正确朗读出单词表中单词及短语。 2. 能正确拼读并运用黑体单词。 3. 学生能正确运用“linking verb+ adjective”结构造句。 4. 学生能正确使用以下短语,复述本课课文,简单地介绍影片大意。 one of …, care for, become angry, because of , teach sb. to do sth, cheer sb. up, Skill aims: 1. 能听懂本课文本材料以及与电影内容相关的课堂用语。 2. 能熟练地口头谈论有关The Sound of Music的故事大意及经典音乐的话题。 3. 能准确朗读课本的文本材料,并能正确地朗读相关的文本材料。 4. 能规范地写出有关采访Mr. Brown关于The Sound of Music的对话。 Emotional aims: 教育学生要热爱音乐,学会欣赏优秀的影视作品,拥有积极乐观的生活态度。 Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points key points: 1. 正确运用单词表中单词及短语 2. 正确运用“linking verb+ adjective”结构造句。 difficult points: 1. lonely 和alone 的区别运用。 2. 采访对话的写作。 Ⅳ. Learning strategies: 1. 观看英文电影对练习英语发音,语调和听力训练都有很大的帮助。 2. 分工明确的小组学习可以让学生对英语对话及短文的写作步骤有更深刻的理解。 Ⅴ. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector, the flashes of the songs, The Lonely Goatherd and Edelweiss. Ⅵ. Teaching procedures Step Interaction pattern Student activity Teacher activity Introduction (8 minutes) 1. The whole class work. 2. The whole class work. 3. Four students’ work. 4. The whole class work. 5. The whole class work. 6. The whole class work. 1. Focus their attention on the teacher. 2. Make up sentences. 3. Four students from different groups report some information about The Sound of Music. 4. Students enjoy the song, Edelweiss. Then look at the picture and guess what the text is about. 5. Students read the words in the box and guess the main idea of the text. 6. The students skim 1a and check the guessing. 1. Greet the students and make them ready for learning. Enjoy the song, The Lonely Goatherd. 2. The teacher asks the students to make up sentences with the linking verbs


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