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外资研发中心政策介绍 Policy on R&D Institutions with Foreign Capital 上海市外国投资工作委员会 Shanghai Foreign Investment Commission 项目管理处副处长 黄峰 Project Management Department Vice Department Director, Huang Feng 外商投资设立研发中心适用的法规 Regulations on Establishing R&D Institutions with Foreign Capital 《关于外商投资设立研发中心有关问题的通知》(原对外贸易经济合作 部2000年4月18 日发布) “Circulation on Questions of Establishing Research and Development Institutions with Foreign Capital” (Announced by former Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation on April 18th, 2000) 《上海市关于鼓励外商投资设立研究开发机构的若干意见》(上海市发 展和改革委员会、上海市对外经济贸易委员会、上海科学技术委员会 2003年9月5 日发布) “Suggestions of Shanghai Municipality to Encourage Foreign Capital to Establish Research and Development Institutions” (Announced by Shanghai Development and Planning Commission, Shanghai SMERT, Shanghai Science and Technology Committee on September 5th, 2003) 研发中心的概念 Definition of R&D Institutions 研发中心是指从事自然科学及其相关科技领域的研究、开发和实验发展的机构,研发 内容包括基础研究、应用研究、产品开发等方面,但不得从事《外商投资产业指导目 录》禁止类项目,也不得从事非本研发成果的其他技术贸易和除中试外的生产活动。 R&D institutions refer to those engaged in the research, development and experiment development in natural sciences and its related scientific and technologic fields. The contents of their research and development may cover basic research and research on application and development of products, but they should not engage in projects of forbidden categories in the “Guideline for Industries with Foreign Capital” or in other technological trade not associated with their own R&D achievements and production activities except mid-experiments. 研发中心的形式 Forms of R&D Institutions 按规定,外资研发中心可以有以下三种形式: In accordance with the state regulations, research and development institutions with foreign capital may be of the following 3 forms 独立的企业法人,包括外商独资企业、中外


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