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课题: Module 9 Heroes 课型:复习 日期:6.23 姓名: 复习目标及要求:1. 掌握本模块单词及短语,并学会运用。 2. 熟练应用本模块语法:原因状语从句,目的状语从句, 结果 状语从句 复习重点及难点:谈论英雄人物, 复习过程: 基础达标: 1 目的是 2 盼望 3 独自 4 出现,发生 5 避免问题 6 他真有勇气。 7 献出自己的生命 8 照顾 9 发明新的治疗方法 10 不得不 11 停下来休息 12 做手术 13 给某人做手术 14 尽管 15 最后 16 被怀念 17 为了 基础拓展: How does Sally usually feel about (play) on her own? They are starting to play, so . A. quite B. be quite C. quiet D. be quiet We the climbers at the top of the hill. A. came up B. came up with C. came up to D. came with Now many countries of the world grow rice than . A. many, ago B. more, ago C. many, before D. more, before Dr Bethune worked very hard to rest. A. without stop B. without stopping C. without to stop D. with stop it’s difficult to make her dream come true, she never gives up. A. Though B. Unless C. Because D. If You have to leave now you can catch the early bus. A. so that B. as soon as C. because D. if Yang Liwei the space programme because he wanted to be an astronaut. A. joined B. took part C. took part in D. with 易错题回顾: Be sure to come to my birthday party tomorrow, ? A. shall we B. will you C. could you D. would you Americans often spend celebrating New Year. A. an or two days B. one day and two C. one or two days D. one and two days Peter hurt his leg yesterday he was playing basketball. A. when B. as C. for


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