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The cultural differences between China and the United States We are from different countries. We are different in skin, hair , language and culture. Choosing immigration means choosing conflict or mixture. What is the real meaning of immigration ? Today ,I want to introduce a film –Treatment Gua Sha to summarize the culture collision of immigration to the United States. Does the immigration to the United States means the realization of American dream? 《TREATMENT GUA SHA》 《TREATMENT GUA SHA》this film mainly tells that:computer cartoon designer Xu Datong and his wife Jian Ning have struggled in New York for eight years and made a great achievement. They have a son- Dennis, he is clever and cute. They live a happy life. Xu Datong’s father’s arrivel break the quite life. One day,Dennis catch a cold. His grandpa uses the Chinese traditional treatment-Gua Sha to cure his grandson. After a few days, Dennis hurts himself and is send to the hospital. The doctor find bruise on Dennis’ back and think that this is serious. He must be abused by his parents. As a result, Mr. Xu is sent to the court on the charges of children abuse. Mr. Xu argues that it is not bruise and just a kind of treatment of Chinese . Unfortunately, he has no proof. He is failed in the court debate. It never rains but it pours. Mr Xu loses the lawsuit and his job. Xu’s father is guilty when he knows the misery. He tries his best to make up for it. Finally ,one of Xus friends comes to China to investigate Gua Sha. Experience is the best teacher. After experience, he believes Xu and helps him to get the Custody right of the child . In the end of story, the family reunion. It’s a happy ending. cultural retrospection(反思) The movie seems that a serious of mistakes and coincidences lead to the misery of Xu’s family. But trace to its source, it’s the culture difference of china and America. Xu Datong and his wife can communicate with the native people of the US. They think their American dream have come true


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