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Scrub Typhus (恙虫病) Department of Infectious Diseases, the Third Affiliated Hospital Li Gang ;Definition;Etiology;Epidemiology;imago ;Epidemiology;Epidemiology; Pathogenesis ; Pathology Basic lesion: inflammation of the walls of the small blood vessels Pathologic findings: eschar, lymphadenopathy, rash, enlargement of spleen and liver Serious pathologic manifestations: myocarditis, meningoencephalitis, pneumonia, interstitial nephritis;Clinical manifestations Incubation period: 4~21 days Sudden onset, High fever: remittent fever accompanied by chill, headache, malaise, prostration, poor appetite.;Clinical manifestations Signs of multiorgan damage: Meningoencephalitis: delirium, convulsion, coma, and neck stiffness. Interstitial pneumonia: cough, chest pain, breathlessness.;Clinical manifestations Signs of multiorgan damage: Myocarditis: gallop rhythm, poor quality heart sounds, systolic murmurs. Hepatitis: jaundice, hemorrhage. Natural course: 2~3 weeks. ;Characteristic manifestations ⒈ Eschar and ulceration: Characteristic sign. Seen in 36.9~98% of patients. Generally located in warm, wet, intense smelled areas. ;; eschar;eschar;; Characteristic manifestations 2. Lymphadenopathy: Enlarged markedly regional lymph nodes near the eschar. Generalized lymphadenopathy. Painful, movable, not purulent.; Characteristic manifestations 3. Rash: Appears on the 4th to the 6th day. Beginning on the trunk, spread to the extremities. Maculopapular, congestive, no itching. Lasting 3~7 days. Seen in 35~100% of patients.; Characteristic manifestations 4. Splenomegaly and hepatomegaly Splenomegaly : 30~50% of patients. Hepatomegaly: 10~20% of patients.; Complications Pneumonia, myocarditis, hepatitis, DIC. ;Diagnosis ;Diagnosis ;Diagnosis ;Diagnosis ;Diagnosis ;Diagnosis ;Diagnosis ;Differential Diagnosis ;Treatment ;Prevention;Cystice


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