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摘 要 泉店选煤厂隶属于河南神火煤电股份有限公司,属矿井型炼焦煤选煤厂,厂址位于河南省许昌市泉店矿井工业广场内。本设计所用的资料为泉店矿选煤厂提供,设计日处理量为120万吨的选煤厂。 根据入选原煤的煤质特征、选后产品用途和质量要求,确定如下选煤方法:准备至50mm以下原煤采用脱泥无压三产品重介旋流器+旋流静态微泡浮选联合工艺。 原煤首先经50mm分级,+50mm块煤人工拣矸后破碎至-50mm。50-0mm入选原煤预先0.75mm脱泥,脱出煤泥再回收+0.35mm粗煤泥与+0.75mm原煤一起给入无压三产品重介旋流器分选,选后产品经脱介、脱水出精煤、中煤、矸石三种产品。稀介质直接磁选,精煤、中矸磁选尾矿分别回收,粗煤泥按煤质分别掺入相应选后产品,细粒煤泥采用旋流静态微泡浮选工艺处理,浮选精矿采用加压过滤机回收掺入重介精煤中。尾煤采用浓缩+压滤回收煤泥,浓缩机的溢流与压滤液作为循环水重复使用。 关键词:选煤;无压给料三产品重介质旋流器;浮选 Abstract Stephen stores Shenhuo coal preparation plant is part of Henan, Inc., a mine-type coking coal preparation plant, the site is located in Xuchang City, Henan Province Coal Mine Industrial Stephen Plaza shop.Used in the design of information provided by Stephen Coal Preparation Plant shops, design on the capacity to handle 1.2 million tons of coal preparation plant. According to selected characteristics of coal of coal, after the election and the quality requirements of product use to determine the coal preparation methods are as follows: preparation of raw coal to 50mm using the following pressureless Desliming three-product medium cyclone + cyclone static joint microbubble flotation process. 50mm classification of coal by the first, +50 mm lump coal crusher manual sor- ting to post-rock-50mm. 50-0mm pre-selected coal Desliming 0.75mm, slime extru- sion recycling +0.35 mm and +0.75 mm coarse coal slime with no pressure to three products to re-medium cyclone separation, after the election from products referred to, dehydration the coal, in coal, gangue three products. Dilute magnetic media dire- ctly, coal, tailings, respectively, in the recovery of magnetic rock, crude coal slime by mixing, respectively, after the election, the corresponding products, the use of fi- negrained coal swirl static microbubble flotation process, flotation essence Mine pre- ssurized filter coal dense medium recovery of incorporation. The end of the use of concentrated coal slime + Pressure recovery, thickener overflow and filtrate pressure as the repeated u



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