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毕 业 设 计
摘 要
关键词:火灾报警 ;AT89S52单片机 ;18B20温度传感器 ;MQ-2烟雾传感器
Fire is a kind of high frequency. At any time, any region could occur. With the development of social economy, the buildings, fixtures used materials of industry, the diversity and the development of science and technology, and increased flammable materials, people living environment and lifestyle changes, increasing the risk of fire, the fire caused casualties and economic loss increases gradually, especially in recent years, a large increase in high-rise buildings, once the fire extinguishing, the more difficult. And a complete set of automatic fire alarm system is the high-rise building fires the lives and property of the people, is advantageous safeguard that fire could quickly and accurately, a fire in the bud.
This design is aiming at characteristic and status of automatic fire alarm system, combining with a systematic demand analysis. The study gives design and realization of overall design and function module design of automatic fire alarm system.This is a intelligent building fire alarm system, which is mainly composed of AT89S52 SCM, temperature sensor 18B20 and smoke sensor MQ-2. This system can real-time monitor the corridor and room temperature and smoke level, when monitoring ambient temperature or smoke more than the design value, the system will generate audible and visual alarm, timely reminder. Even when sensor faults occur, can also be pressed the emergency alarm button, so that people first discovered fire. T
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