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毕 业 设 计 基于单片机的智能楼宇火灾报警系统 摘 要 火灾是发生频率较高的灾害之一,在任何时间、任何地区都可能发生。随着社会经济的发展,建筑物、构筑物应用材料变的多样性,易燃材料增加,再加之人们生活环境和生活方式的改变,火灾的危害性日益增加,火灾造成的人员伤亡逐渐增多、经济损失大幅增加。尤其是近几年来,高层建筑大量增加,一旦发生火灾,灭火的难度更大。而一套完整的火灾自动报警系统是高层建筑发生火灾时人们生命财产的有利保障,是能否快速准确地发现火情,把火灾扑灭在萌芽状态的关键所在。 针对目前火灾发生的特点和现状,进行较为系统的需求分析,给出火灾自动报警系统的总体设计、功能模块设计与实现。本文设计了一种智能楼宇火灾报警系统,它主要是由AT89S52单片机、18B20温度传感器和MQ-2烟雾传感器组成。这个系统可实时监控楼道和房间的温度和烟雾等级,当监控的环境温度或者烟雾超过设计值时,系统会产生声光报警,及时提醒人们。即使当传感器发生故障,也可人为的按下紧急报警按钮,从而使人们早发现火灾。这个系统的是可以根据不同的环境设定所需要的报警值,同时具有价格低廉、易于安装等特点。 关键词:火灾报警 ;AT89S52单片机 ;18B20温度传感器 ;MQ-2烟雾传感器 ABSTRACT Fire is a kind of high frequency. At any time, any region could occur. With the development of social economy, the buildings, fixtures used materials of industry, the diversity and the development of science and technology, and increased flammable materials, people living environment and lifestyle changes, increasing the risk of fire, the fire caused casualties and economic loss increases gradually, especially in recent years, a large increase in high-rise buildings, once the fire extinguishing, the more difficult. And a complete set of automatic fire alarm system is the high-rise building fires the lives and property of the people, is advantageous safeguard that fire could quickly and accurately, a fire in the bud. This design is aiming at characteristic and status of automatic fire alarm system, combining with a systematic demand analysis. The study gives design and realization of overall design and function module design of automatic fire alarm system.This is a intelligent building fire alarm system, which is mainly composed of AT89S52 SCM, temperature sensor 18B20 and smoke sensor MQ-2. This system can real-time monitor the corridor and room temperature and smoke level, when monitoring ambient temperature or smoke more than the design value, the system will generate audible and visual alarm, timely reminder. Even when sensor faults occur, can also be pressed the emergency alarm button, so that people first discovered fire. T


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