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PAGE PAGE 121 摘 要 常减压蒸馏装置是炼油厂的“龙头”装置,它的拔出率、产物质量、分离精度、能耗等对整个炼厂的后继加工过程影响很大。本次设计是年处理量为370 EQ 万吨原油的常压蒸馏塔,其次为塔板的设计及水利 EQ 学核算。 利用大学期间学习过的石油炼制工程﹑化工原理及炼油类参考书籍顺利的完成了本次设计。 常压塔的设计主要是依据原油和产品的恩氏蒸馏数据,计算产品的各物性数据并确定切割方案、计算产品收率。参考同类装置确定塔板数、进料及侧线抽出位置,再确定各主要部位操作压力及假设操作温度,进行全塔热平衡计算,采取塔顶二级冷凝冷却和两个中段回流。塔顶取热:第一中段回流取热:第二中段回流取热为5:2:3,最后校核各主要部位温度是否在允许的误差范围内。 塔板形式选用浮阀塔板,依据常压塔内最大汽、液相负荷处算得塔径为4.0m,板间距取0.8 m。这部分最主要的是核算塔板流体力学性能及操作性能,使塔板在适宜的操作范围内操作。 关键词:常压塔,节能,浮阀塔板,流体力学 Abstract Refinerys crude distillation unit is the leading device, it pulled out rate, product quality, segmentation accuracy, and energy consumption of the entire refinery great influence subsequent processing.The design is with capacity of 3.7 million tons of crude oil atmospheric distillation tower, followed by plate design and hydrologic accounting. avail university period study ultra petroleum refining engineering and chemical engineering theory andreference oil refining chemical engineering communication grade half cloth propitious finish these degree design off of. Atmospheric tower design is mainly products Engler distillation data to calculate the product of the physical property data to determine the cutting program to calculate the yield of the product. Reference to similar devices to determine the plate number, location of feeding and lateral line out, and then determine the major parts of the operating pressure and assumed operating temperature, full-tower heat balance calculations, to take two condensing cooling tower and two mid-back. Tower for heat: the first heat to take back the middle: mid-back to take the second heat 5:2:3, the last check of all the major parts of the temperature within the allowable error range. Plate in the form selected valve trays , according to the largest tower vapor pressure, liquid load at the tower diameter is considered4.0m, take the plate spacing 0.8 m. This part is most important is accounting tray hydrodynamics and operational performance, make the plate in the appropriate operati


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