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Financial and Monetary Policy Studies 44 Frank Rövekamp Moritz Bälz Hanns Günther Hilpert Editors Cash in East Asia Financial and Monetary Policy Studies Volume 44 Series editor Ansgar Belke Essen, Germany • • € ¨ Frank Rovekamp Moritz Balz Hanns Günther Hilpert Editors Cash in East Asia Preface “Cash in East Asia” was the title of an international conference staged at the East Asia Institute in Ludwigshafen in May 2016. Recent years have witnessed an intensified international debate on the benefits and costs of moving towards a “cashless society”. Against this backdrop, the conference brought together leading experts from academia as well as monetary authorities to explore economic, legal and policy perspectives on cash and its future role in East Asia. The papers delivered at the conference form the basis for this book. The conference was made possible through the generous support of the Deutsche Bundesbank and the Haniel Foundation , which is gratefully acknowledged. Like- wise, we wish to thank Springer International Publishing for accepting this volume into its series entitled Financial and Monetary Policy Studies . Finally, we are indebted to Chris Engert for his excellent work in the language correction and copy-editing of the manuscript. € Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany Frank Rovekamp ¨ Frankfurt am Main, Germany Moritz Balz Berlin, Germany


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