The_Valuation_of_Financial_Companies - Tools_and_Techniques_to_Measure_the_Value_of_Banks,_Insurance_Companies, and Other Financial Institutions金融公司的估值-衡量银行、保险公司和其他金融机构价值的工具和技术.pdf

The_Valuation_of_Financial_Companies - Tools_and_Techniques_to_Measure_the_Value_of_Banks,_Insurance_Companies, and Other Financial Institutions金融公司的估值-衡量银行、保险公司和其他金融机构价值的工具和技术.pdf

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The Valuation of Financial Companies Tools and Techniques to Value Banks, Insurance Companies, and Other Financial Institutions Mario Massari Gianfranco Gianfrate Laura Zanetti Contents Preface vii Acknowledgments ix 1 Bank Business Models 1 1.1 Economics of banking 1 1.2 Commercial banks 3 1.2.1 Structure of the industry in the US 3 1.2.2 Overview of the US regulation 5 1.2.3 Commercial banks鈥 balance sheets 6 1.3 Investment banks 7 1.3.1 Structure of the US banking industry 9 1.3.2 Typical balance sheet for an investment bank 10 1.3.3 The banking industry outside the US 12 2 Financial Statements Analysis for Banks 15 2.1 Balance sheet 15 2.1.1 Assets 16 2.1.2 Investment property 17 2.1.3 Intangibles 18 2.1.4 Research and development 20 2.1.5 Goodwill 20 2.1.6


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